Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1341: Reinforcements

In the luxuriously decorated Uther City banquet room, Wang Mang leaned back on a golden chair, looking tiredly at the report from Peng Shi in his hand.

"Crunch!" The heavy wooden door was suddenly pushed open.

An outrageous black-armored soldier rushed to Wang Mang's body and said with one knee in a hurry, "Master, that group of invaders have started a war. The war is extremely critical! Extremely critical!"

"Om!" Wang Mang's brain was suddenly empty, and he stood up from the golden chair with a chuckle, his eyes widened, and the evil spirits all over his body suddenly broke out, "Say! That gathering place was attacked!"

"Cangcheng, the closest to the hinterland of the Central Plains! Now it has become a sea of ​​flames!"

The soldier in black armor lowered his head and shouted aloud. Outside the open door of the banquet room, a man with broken armor, a stumbling young man walked in slowly. He coughed violently, and every rise and fall of his chest was accompanied by the stickiness in his mouth. Blood.

"Next Zhou Qing! Cangcheng City Lord! I beseech Wang Mang to take revenge for me!!" Zhou Qing knelt down on his knees, his head pressed against the ground, and a drop of tears fell on the soft carpet of the banquet room along his eyelids.

His face was pale, and the vitality inside his body was fading at a rapid speed. He knew that the punch of the magma giant had completely smashed his internal organs, and it was impossible to survive...but he wanted to see it with his own eyes. To that group of invaders die! !

"Call all the committee members immediately! Let them call the elite of their men! The soldiers will be sent to Cangcheng within five minutes!"

Wang Mang's face was extremely ugly. He coldly said to the soldiers standing beside him, through the Ring of Doom, he received this extremely urgent news at the same time in the fifty most powerful gathering places in China!

"Call all the abilities above level 5! I will give them three minutes! Quick! Quick! Quick!"

Ugly-looking and short, Zhou Xing's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, a trace of tyranny flashed in his eyes, and he punched the stone wall next to him, ‘Bang! With a sound, the stone bricks exploded and smoke flew.

"Under the covering of the nest, how many eggs are there?!" The honest-looking Xu Qilin was playing with a pair of exquisitely packed walnuts, ‘click! The walnut is crushed, and there are more than twenty mysterious killers with black knives beside him!

Wang Mang was organized as a hundred black-armored cavalry to fly out of the passage of time and space. Qian Xiaobai, who had never been tuned, also had a serious face at this time, and walked into the banquet room with five hundred zombies wearing heavy armor like a chariot!

"It's too late to explain anything! The invaders have already started a war, and now! Soldiers are sent to Cangcheng!"

Wang Mang roared fiercely, and the time-space channel burst out with a bright light blue, and the entrance was suddenly enlarged several times. Wang Mang carried an evil dragon halberd, and he rushed in!

"Roar!" Wang Mang, who had just appeared in Cangcheng, saw the magma giants raging crazily in the city. The space-time passages around them appeared almost simultaneously. The fifty most powerful committee members had already led the elite of his men to the beginning of the war. The outbreak of the terrifying battlefield!

"I will solve this giant, and I will give you the rest!" Wang Mang said coldly, his legs bent slightly, and the ground exploded suddenly.

The incomparable physical quality made Wang Mang fly over the magma giant's head in a leap, the thick and crimson dragon head eyes of the evil dragon halberd opened instantly, and a hundred-meter-long mad dragon phantom suddenly rushed towards the giant's head!

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