Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1348: Relocation of Gushan City

"Okay! I know what Xiaoying meant!" After listening to these words, Wang Mang finally burst into a happy smile on his face after three months of haze.

"Because of the rules, you don't have to repeat Xiaoying and Ahu, but you should tell them some specific situations regularly, so it doesn't count as me taking the initiative to communicate with them!"

Zhang Lan nodded when she heard the words, a pair of autumn water-like eyes flashed with a trace of envy and longing, she was really jealous of Liu Ying at the moment.

With a word of her word, the man in front of hundreds of city lords can release the true emotions from the bottom of his heart. She is really powerful.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Three powerful and long horns sounded, and a space-time channel with a diameter of 100 meters slowly broke free from the constraints of space and appeared in the sky above Gushan City!

All the black armored cavalry in Gushan City stopped training. They held the reins of the green lizard beside them with one hand and sat quietly in the huge hall of the city lord’s mansion.

The remaining black armored soldiers, zombies, and human superpowers are all gathered together neatly, looking at the sky quietly, waiting for this costly time and space channel to lead them to the outside world!

"Sixth! Check the surrounding environment again! The youngest takes your subordinates to the dense forest at a kilometer away immediately! Fifth, you are responsible for testing customs and volley alert!"

Yitong hurriedly and calmly ordered his men beside him, his clothes were shaking violently when the sudden hurricane blew him.

He stroked the insect mask on his cheek, and his eyes looked at the magnificent sky.

Dark clouds hit the top, thousands of birds came out of the forest, and all the residents in the gathering place were shocked to see the slowly rotating space-time vortex in the distance!

"Snap!" A thunderstorm struck, and the Gushan City, which was constructed from countless geospatial stones, has long been fused into a special whole.

With a thick city wall of a hundred meters high and a huge square covering an area of ​​hundreds of acres, the weight of one million tons of the entire Gushan City is slowly falling toward the cliff on the ground at this moment!

"Boom!" The dull roar turned into a wave of dust sweeping the earth, and the countless monsters in the dense forest revealed an unprecedented fear in their eyes.

They wailed and ran in the opposite direction. Before a few lower-level monsters had time to escape, they were swept away by the dust waves and drove out dozens of meters away.

Several huge crows circling in the sky opened a pair of scarlet eyes, and were shocked by the huge movement, but their eyes were still staring at the Lonely Mountain City on the ground.

"The third child is in place, recover the crows, and put the video on the stele, so that all the gathering places in China can see where the human headquarters will be established in the future!"

Different pupil shouted, his eyes narrowed with excitement, and a surging excitement in his tone. This is a feat of the master.

Using Gushan City as the headquarters of the entire human war will undoubtedly be targeted by those invaders, but the master is fearless!

"My God! Wang Mang's courage is really... I really admire it!"

Zhou Xing, who was short, black and shameless, with a cigarette between his fingers, looked at the majestic scene that appeared on the light screen of the stone tablet. After a long time, he opened a mouth full of big yellow teeth and showed a slight smile.

"My husband... is really amazing!" Liu Ying, who has always been known as the queen of the wind, sat on an ice chair dignifiedly, looking at the ice mirror against the light curtain of the stone monument. . She suddenly smiled sweetly, beautifully indispensable!

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