Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1352: Hidden secrets

In the icy city where the wind is rustling, the man lying on the warm bed can already move his stiff fingers gradually.

He sat up slowly with the help of two burly evil spirits, but his inflexible back needed two goose down cushions to support, otherwise the fragile spine would collapse!

His head is wrapped in a thick layer of animal fur, and the soft fluff makes the man's cheeks faintly reddish, and it seems that he has completely escaped his life danger!

Sitting on a wooden chair, Liu Ying casually manicured her nails, but frowned her brows tightly. After a little thought, she said in a cold voice: "You can hear the deal Yao Ping made with those invaders. Is it? This is very important! And what is the ultimate purpose of the test product that replaces you?"

Qiu Yu shook his head in embarrassment when he heard the words, "I'm sorry, I am not very clear about these two points... It's just that Yao Ping also underwent the operation like me.

Maybe I am just a backup stand-in he prepared. If I remember anything in the future, I must tell you the first time! "

Liu Ying's deep beautiful eyes looked at Qiu Yu and her eyes were a little cold. She stared at Qiu Yu carefully, and then continued to speak: "Then you can remember the extra memories in your mind. Tell me about it!"

Qiu Yu was a little flustered by Liu Ying's eyes that looked like a dead body. He nodded hurriedly and said in a hurry:

"My lord, I remember a lot of Yao Ping's experience. He seems to be the city lord in a gathering place called'Dragon City'. The fire system is very powerful, and his strength is already at the top of Tier 5!

It seems...it seems...he also controls a hidden organization called the Insect Group, which has a lot of powerful members! "

"Fifth Tier Peak?!" Liu Ying frowned, her eyes widened slightly, and there was a hint of disbelief on her face. "Yao Ping was promoted to Tier 5 Peak a year ago?!"

Qiu Yu immediately shook his head, "It's not an adult, this memory will be transmitted to my mind every once in a while, Yao Ping only had the strength of Tier 4 Intermediate a year ago..."

As he spoke, he couldn't help showing a trace of doubt on his face, "Somehow, the memory of Yao Ping in the past six months has not been passed on for a long time..."

"Okay! I see, you have a good rest!" After listening to the man's words, Liu Ying calmed down with a slightly shocked expression.

With a look of indifference on her face, she stood up, briefly confessed to the two evil spirits in the room, and left the room straight away.

"Huh--!" A cold wind blew outside the door, and the gloomy sky was drifting away from the heavy snow.

"Da! Da! Da!" Liu Ying's blood-red flawless high heels stepped on the clear ice bricks, and made a unique sound in the quiet ice city. Liu Ying, who was full of noble and cold air, walked to one. At the edge of the ice prison guarded by hundreds of evil spirits,

With a light wave of her left hand, the snow that drifted away with the wind instantly levitated and flew, quickly condensing into a basketball-sized snow ball in mid-air, spinning and exploding.

"Om!" "The subordinate ice ghost joins the master!" A figure made of hard blue ice suddenly emerged from the floor tiles.'It' raised its head, and the clown-like smile on the mask seemed quite permeating. !

"Ice Ghost! There is something you need to do!" Liu Ying heard the sound, her half-closed eyes suddenly opened, and her tone suddenly became cold!

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