Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1362: new member

"Haha, that's not a stupid monster beast, that's the monster king!" Wang Mang laughed twice, saying this, his tone became a little serious.

"This Xuanhu is definitely worthy of use. If it can be subdued smoothly, we can make up for the shortcomings of the top combat power of our insect group.

What's more, the dense forest he ruled will be an inexhaustible treasure house of our worm group! "

Wang Mang’s pale face was a little flushed, he looked at the vast dense forest in the distance, and there was a glimmer of excitement in his eyes.

If the battle with monsters can be avoided, the herbs collected in this dense forest can be equipped with at least tens of millions of healing potions. As for the configuration of other potions, there will definitely be a qualitative increase!

"Yes, master!" The captain of the second team trembled with a trembling beard, and a fierce face also showed signs of excitement.

The logistics team that ran out of Gushan City came hurriedly carrying a stretcher. He carefully carried Wang Mang and put him on the stretcher safely. Still worrying about it, he told the two logistics team members several times.

As for the Xuanhu who was still lying at the bottom of the pit, the captain of the second team just glanced at it casually, ordered to be sent to the city lord's mansion, and escorted Wang Mang towards Gushan City.

Qian Xiaobai, Bai Jue, Zhang Lan and others in the city immediately gathered at the city gate when they heard the news of the end of Wang Mang’s battle.

They looked at Wang Mang anxiously, and Wang Mang smiled helplessly, "You are really, do you think my current state of mind seems to be seriously injured?"

Zhang Lan stared at Wang Mang with moist eyes. The worries in his eyes faded a bit, but he still couldn't help but complain: "Brother Mang, the gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall, you are the leader of the human alliance, the helm of our worm group. How can one fight desperately against a monster beast?!"

Bai Jue on the side lifted his eyes, and unsmiling, he nodded solemnly in agreement.

"Yes, Master, you raise your strength to fight monsters of the same rank. I have no objection to this, but the strength of the Demon King is unknown, and the means are unknown. If there is any special situation..." He shook his head suddenly and stopped talking. .

Wang Mang was surrounded by many caring subordinates, and he spread his hands and smiled and said, "This time my energy is dry and my muscles are overloaded. Other than that, there is no injury at all.

By the way, I now urge you here, the Xuanhu Demon King who is undergoing treatment, don't have any opinions on it, and be friendly! If nothing happens, it should be a new member of our bug group! "

"How is it possible?!" The calm and calm Bai Jue first exclaimed.

Behind his translucent lenses, a pair of eyes widened, the boss asked in disbelief: "Master, what means are you going to use to subdue a monster?! Brainworm Baiwan should not work on it!"

"No! The white pill works on it! It just needs to be made by Moran.

The white pill that humans take is different from the monster beast, especially this kind of intelligent monster king. Since he has the ability to think, it fits the characteristics of the brainworm! So there is no need to worry about the problem of control! "

Wang Mang sat up on the stretcher, pondered a little, and said to Zhang Lan, "Zhang Lan, you will get the most effective anesthetic later. This Xuanhu cannot wake up for at least 24 hours! The dose has to be increased. The body can be the size of a hill!"

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