Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1369: Fierce battle cultivator

Outside the city, many cultivators holding soft swords and cold expressions looked at Wang Mang who was floating in mid-air.

Looking at Wang Mang's figure, the first three cultivators surrounded by a spiritual platform couldn't help but ask: "Is that the strongest man among mankind——Wang Mang? It seems to be nothing more than that!"

"Indeed, his strength level is divided according to human beings, but it is not a fifth-level intermediate level, it is not high! How can such a person become the strongest man in mankind?!"

The cold young man with long blue hair frowned, and a trace of doubt and disdain flashed in his eyes!

The three cultivators with astonishing momentum only divided their minds into paying attention to Wang Mang in the sky. A pair of dexterous hands quickly pinched the hair, and the giant phantom that appeared on the spiritual platform became more and more condensed with the passage of time. ferocious,

The face of the giant that was level with Wang Mang was not angry and majestic, and a pair of fierce eyes stared at Wang Mang, as if he was about to shake his fist in the next second, smashing Wang Mang this little ant to pieces!

"Take advantage of people's danger! Get down to the ground! These invaders are really morally high!"

Wang Mang looked at the scene outside the city coldly, his sturdy left arm slowly raised the evil dragon halberd, and the halberd pointed straight at the head of the giant phantom, "Bang!" A dragon shaped like a meteor. The energy roared suddenly and slammed into the giant's head!

"Heh! Overwhelming worm..." A blue-haired icy young man choked in his throat before he could finish his mocking words.

He stared with a pair of eyes and looked into the air in disbelief. The King Kong warrior, who was about to be condensed by the three of them, was actually shattered by the head that was blown up by Wang Mang's dragon soul attack, and his body dissipated!

"Puff! Puff!" As the giant phantom dissipated, the other two suddenly spit out two **** arrows, their faces turned pale and terrifying.

"Invader! Death!" Wang Mang's violent roar echoed between heaven and earth in the sky,

Just before the sound, when the three of them were about to fight back, Wang Mang appeared in front of them with a grinning smile, followed by a heavy halberd that had been charged for a long time!

"The art of the halberd! Collapse!" The evil dragon halberd that swung slashed fiercely, and the sharp stabbing sound made the legs of the three backlashed cultivators soften and almost knelt down.

In an instant, the evil dragon halberd came one after another, ‘poof! ’A confused, pale head rose to the sky!

The first intruder! dead!

The other two have very high fighting literacy. Even though they are both mentally and physically unwell, they still keep pinching their fingers to initiate the tactics.

"Thunder and lightning! Boom!" "Explosive fire!" One point, two targeted attacks towards Wang Mang's neck, his eyes attacked, Wang Mang's violent expression waved the evil dragon halberd, two spells. Was broken in an instant!

The few flames inevitably blocked Wang Mang's sight for a moment, and in that moment of effort, the two figures flashed swiftly, hiding in the densest place in the crowd!

"Damn it! Where to go!!" Wang Mang roared, his left arm muscles suddenly bulged, and the palm of his hand holding the halberd rod changed his movements, holding the evil dragon halberd and throwing it fiercely.

The blue-haired young man who was escaping quickly just heard a stern scream not far away. He couldn't help but glanced back. The original companion had been penetrated through his chest and abdomen by the evil dragon halberd carrying hundreds of tons of impact, and Wang Mang followed suit. Then, a punch smashed his brain!

"The next one is you!" Wang Mang smiled grimly at the blue-haired youth, as if his fleeing for his life was a joke!

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