Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1379: emergency

Regardless of the world, the power of the soul is a secret technique that only a few people can master.

Whether it’s supernatural powers or cultivation, they all have the same goal. They are usually physically strong and attack Ling Li, but their souls are only slightly stronger than ordinary people.

There are seven sects of the Penglai fairy forces, and there is only one sect leader. The elites of the elders can master the secret method of directly using mental power to attack. It is conceivable that such talents who master the power of the soul are so rare!

But the cultivator possessed by the evil spirit is a disciple of the elder family, and most of his friendships are of the same school.

The evil spirits used the chains of boundless evil spirits to firmly nail their souls, a total of five people, and the three of them instantly lost the power of resistance.

The remaining two are women, their eyebrows twinkling with prismatic, dazzling red light, and their handsome faces are tightly wrinkled together, and they have long lost their beauty.

After the three people fainted, the boundless evil spirits emitted by the evil spirits dissipated on three sides, converging into two extremely solid chains and nailing them straight on the eyebrows of the two women!

The black chain kept trembling slightly, the evil spirit frowned, and a surging power suddenly poured into his palm, and two thunderbolts were shot through the chest and abdomen of the two women with a ‘bang’.

When the pain was severely wounded, a hole appeared in the minds of the two women, and a strange smile appeared on the faces of the evil spirits, which seemed to be crying and laughing.

The two solid iron chains turned into black mist with a ‘hum’, enveloping the two of them. The two women in red robes were shrouded in the black mist, their consciousness gradually sinking, and they slowly lost themselves.

The five fellows in the dark room of the cultivator Wang Mang possessed by the evil spirits, the excitement and bloodthirsty color in his pupils became more and more prominent.

He walked to a person and squatted down, stretched out his right hand, and suddenly a vortex of evil spirits rotating rapidly appeared in his palm.

The vortex was close to the prism on the center of the man’s eyebrow, but after a few moments, the crystal-clear prism became much grayer.

"Huh!" The evil spirit breathed out a breath of comfort, a faint flush appeared on his cheeks, his soul was at least a third stronger than it was at the beginning in just ten seconds!

With this increase in strength, he would have to practice for at least seven or eight years. Now the soul of a cultivator is worthy of his hard work for at least seven years. The leader of the ice ghost is right. This action is really a great opportunity!

The contented evil spirit walked slowly to the other person and squatted down. The evil spirit vortex was absorbing the soul energy of the fainted cultivator.

The evil spirit squinted comfortably, enjoying the pleasure of this increase in strength leisurely. "Boom! Boom! Boom!" There was a sudden violent knock on the door.

The evil spirit shook his eyebrows abruptly and listened to the voice and prepared to ignore it, but as soon as he was about to draw the soul of the fourth person, the knock on the door became more and more urgent, "Who is there to open the door quickly?! I'm going to the toilet!!!"

The evil spirit looked at a wooden door in the dark room with some incomprehension, twisted the handle to open it, and it was really a clean, bright toilet.

"Damn!" Rao is a fierce evil spirit, and can't help but explode in the face of such unlucky things. The knock on the door outside has long turned into a slap on the door, ‘Boom! Bang! The loud noise made the evil ghost's brows tighten!

"Damn, which **** is inside? Wait for you to come out and see if I can't kill you! Get out of here!"

An angry scolding sounded clearly into the evil ghost's ears. He pondered for a few moments, then cleared his throat suddenly, and shouted to the outside: "Brother! Sorry, wait a minute, I'm already wiping my butt!"

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