Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1383: Poquan's magic

No father and no mother, Boquan, who became a cultivator as an orphan, was adopted by Boshui’s parents before he even started.

He still remembers the adoptive father who was laughing and joking at the dinner table, as well as the one who often had a straight face and a serious face, but his heart was extremely soft and he missed his adoptive mother.

"Haha! Bo Quan! My mother is sending me clothes again! Oh, yes, and yours, a sweater made of wool,

Dad's letter also asked me to bring you a message, so that you can practice well in the sect, don't miss them, they all have a good life, and they have no worries about eating and drinking. "

When he was a teenager, Bo Shui smiled and hugged Bo Quan’s shoulders, and the two sat on the green lawn in front of the Zongmen.

With his legs crossed and a bag in his hands, Bo, in the afterglow of the setting sun, the thick and thick sweater knitted by his foster mother, stitch by stitch, looks really warm.

The mandible shattered, and the faint flesh and blood blinked like a memory. The happy time of the past flashed in his eyes. It was born and raised, but the head was broken, and it was raised before birth. It is hard to return in a lifetime!

He owes too much to his adoptive father and mother! After eleven years of sect cultivation, he has become the top group of inner disciples in the sect.

But he has never honored his adoptive father or mother. I don't know if my father is still laughing and joking in the same way as before, and I don't know if his mother is still stern.

"Haha!" Po Quan's hideous and terrifying face showed a faint smile, which seemed to be relieved, but also sorrowful.

"Father, mother, I and Boshui are like brothers. He is dead. There is no reason for me to survive. My son is not filial, and I can't give you the old and the old."

Po's wide-open eyes flowed out two drops of crystal clear red blood and tears, and the whole person's momentum seemed to become calm and indifferent. The prism in his eyebrows shot out an incomparably shining light in an instant.

A pair of broken eyes slowly closed, and the hideous look on his face disappeared and became extremely religious.

"God's death technique-red pupil Tianwei!" A simple and plain word fell, and his body in a red robe seemed to be turned into ashes, slowly dissipating in the sky from head to toe.

The unbound evil spirit frowned suspiciously, transported the spell, and just wanted to escape instantly, but there was a heart-palpitating and desperate pain from the depths of his soul!

The body that the evil spirit had taken away from the house gave a sudden halt, and suddenly collapsed to the ground. He held his chest with an ugly expression, knelt on the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Hiss~!" The flesh of the center of his eyebrows gradually opened, and a red eye that did not contain the slightest humanity opened slowly!

"Damn! What kind of power is this?!" The evil spirit's powerful, almost terrifying soul energy suppressed the tendency of the red pupils to open, but the terrifying force that did not know its origin was abruptly under pressure. I opened my eyes wider and wider,

When the red pupil was opened to a certain extent, the skin of the evil spirit's body showed a deep red color. If it was burned by magma or burnt with a soldering iron, his limbs completely lost their function in just a few moments!

"Cough cough cough!" The evil spirit seized the water from the house, knelt on the ground and vomited blood.

The body, which was originally broken and seriously injured, had lost all its vitality after this weird consumption. The body of Poshui fell, and a black mist of astonishing aura suddenly came out of his brain!

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