Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1385: Ghost casualties

As alien invaders who have established a complete training system in another world, their strength and talent are beyond doubt.

What's more, most of these cultivators are still the most elite disciples of various sects. From the outer door to the inner door, even if it is a handyman, the strength cannot be underestimated!

"Sit down-cut!" Jin Feng snarled abruptly, a layer of dazzling bursting light appeared on a slender soft sword in his hand, and the blade oscillated with high frequency.

In just an instant, his figure appeared in the torn robe, in front of the cultivator with a shocked look. The trembling red robe made a piercing sound of wind, and an undetectable buzzing sound.

A very faint blood line appeared on the cultivator’s neck, and the blood line gradually expanded, ‘Puff! With a blast, the turbulent blood rushed into the sky with a head with an unbelievable expression in his eyes!

"Sa!" Jin Feng with an indifferent face slammed the long sword in his hand, ‘Yah~’ The blood remaining on the sword, the black mist was burned and evaporated by the intense flashing red light!

"It's the seventeenth! How many such dirty ghosts are there in this city!" Jin Feng frowned, and a look of anger appeared on his face.

In exactly twenty minutes, he had already killed 17 dirty things that had already taken the same door. The more he killed, the stronger the hatred in his heart. This group of enemies are really assholes!

Except for Jin Feng, who was wearing a red robe, the other sects also received the message of the evil spirit taking their homes. Their expressions were extremely shocked and panicked. Didn't expect that the enemies they were looking for were all lurking beside them? !

However, fortunately, the accumulation of thousands of years in a school is extremely terrifying. To deal with this situation of seizing homes, there are also records in their cheats. Most of the inner school disciples have mastered this secret technique, but the method is different, and the effect is different. Nothing more,

"Return to Lord Ice Ghost! The city lord and our men and horses have died more than two hundred people in just half an hour! This group of cultivators have discovered our lurking methods, sir...Should we retreat?"

A fierce young man with golden Sanskrit engraved on his loose robes knelt on one knee, looking up at the ice ghost with some trepidation.

Sitting on a wooden chair, the ice ghost with Erlang's legs upright, basking in the sun leisurely, leaning on the back of the chair, sang a little song in a dazed mouth, the young man finished speaking, his clothes on his back were beaten by cold sweat. Wet,

After a while, he quietly raised his head to see that the ice ghost still had no plans to speak, and he was ready to summon the courage to say it again.

"Little Treasure, you said that if all of your evil ghost troops are like you, you can see the form clearly, and if you are not so greedy as ghosts, it would be fine.

When they are dead, they deserve it, relying on their own evil spirits to rush to the sky, and the soul is solid enough to dare to be deceived? They are all dead, so they still don't change their nature! "

The ice ghost let out a lazy breath, and then said, "If they occupy other people's body, they still take home? Are these cultivators really muddled? Not everyone is like you, Xiaobao. Courage for soul fusion!

Now that the cultivators have begun to fight back, let's retreat... But before retreating, be sure to maximize their losses! "

"Yes!" The young man who knelt on one knee in front of the ice ghost immediately responded, stood up with some weak legs, and walked outside the door after leaving.

The ice ghost sitting on the chair looked at his slowly leaving figure, and shook his head lightly. This kind of evil ghost soul transformed from a human soul still has a big flaw!

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