Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1387: consciousness

The double explosion of the soul superimposed on the prisms instantly blasted the indestructible transparent barrier into a crack of several inches long.

But this is not over yet, after the explosion, one after another evil spirits, regardless of the raging black flames on their bodies, hit a point of the barrier without hesitation!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" A series of explosions made the entire vacuum zone a little unstable, and the transparent and solid barrier has not collapsed even though the cracks and crisscrossing of the transparent solid barrier!

"Brothers! I'm going! The enemy is left to you!"

The evil spirit who slashed his arms shoulder-to-shoulder with his sword had a smile on his face, and the prisms in the center of his eyebrows slowly bloomed. Together with the powerful souls that swallowed more than a dozen people, they suddenly slammed into the barriers of vertical and horizontal cracks!

With a blast of "Boom!", the transparent barrier completely collapsed, and the eyes of the three remaining in the vacuum zone were like torches, and the robes on the surface of the body had been burned into a burnt by the flames.

There was a smirk on the face of the blood-oozing youth with one hand, and he suddenly laughed wildly: "It's ridiculous, a group of enemies still have this kind of consciousness? That's good! I'll send you to **** together!"

His hands that maintained the spirit technique suddenly changed, his chest and abdomen suddenly shrank, the strong backlash of the change technique made his face stiff, and he spit out a mouthful of muddy blood.

"Ling-the magic of Bailing's illusion!" His hands are like butterflies wearing flowers, and the afterimages can hardly be seen by the five fingers that pinch the method.

A wave of energy that stunned the sky suddenly radiated, and the ground around the youth with single-eyed blood suddenly protruded, and stone pillars stood up from the sky. The dense stone pillars formed a perfect defense and covered the youth's figure.

The thick earth shivered with high frequency. The huge and hard stone pillars flowed slowly like mud, and the surface of the thick rock also showed great changes.

The shape of the stone pillar slowly changed, condensing a rock giant with slender limbs and an ugly shape!

"Roar!" The rock giant glared with a pair of empty eyes, and uttered a dull roar at the three of them. Hundreds of stone pillars changed at the same time. The houses and buildings with a radius of one thousand meters were destroyed in an instant.

"What a terrible enemy, but... they are all dead, we have to work hard anyway!"

The three evil spirits looked at each other and smiled involuntarily, the raging black flames on their bodies suddenly stopped, and three swift figures suddenly rushed towards the young man who was firmly protected by dozens of rock giants!

"Boom!" The rock giant whose body reached several tens of meters screamed, swinging his hard and slender arms towards the coming evil spirits.

The swift speed is like slow motion in the eyes of an astonishing evil spirit, only a teleportation escaped the attack, but before he could move, the rock giant's body surface condensed into a thick layer of mud.

The cultivator's legs were firmly stuck in the strange mud, and he couldn't move at all. "Om!" The evil spirit flashed out, and the turbulent black flame had enveloped his soul like a tarsal maggot. ,

The stone wall formed by dozens of rock giants blocked his advancement, and a punch that was mixed with concussion attacks directly hit his misty body. He could not even explode, and he was annihilated between heaven and earth!

The rest of the two people were similar. One blew himself up and the other was smashed to death. The blood-oozing youth looked forward with a sudden shock, and the joy of destroying the enemy suddenly disappeared.

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