Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1390: Blood Horse vs. Ice Ghost

The instant the ice on the ground clings to the surface of the ice ghost, it automatically melts into a pool of flowing water and condenses in the most needed place of the giant's body.

The thick legs with a diameter of seven or eight meters are made of hard blue ice. The solid bones, bulging muscles, and even the beautiful lines can be called art!

What kind of giant can be merged with thousands of tons of ice? ! In this big city where nearly 100,000 cultivators gathered, the ice ghost gave the answer:

A body length of 100 meters, slender and powerful limbs, strong muscles on the chest and abdomen are like being carved out of a towering giant standing proudly!

"Om!" On the heroic face of the ice crystal giant, a pair of scarlet eyes opened suddenly, and the ice ghost hidden in the giant controlled the giant's every move.

He laughed wildly, full of evil, and the entire turbulent sky lost its color.

"Jie Jie! What a bunch of rubbish! Still boasting of cultivators? Have you all practiced to dogs? I'm not even an opponent? Trying to conquer humans? What a joke!"

The ice ghost mocked these people from the bottom of his heart, and with a violent and swift whip kick, "Boom!" ruined an entire elegant castle.

At least seven or eight thousand people were killed by the ice ghost with a single blow. After all, not everyone can withstand the power of this world-destroying fist!

"Presumptuous! A monster dare to speak so loudly?!" The blood horse engraved with complicated Sanskrit on the black robe finally couldn't stand it. Accompanied by a powerful aura of destruction, he finally appeared!

"Oh?! Is this your strongest? It doesn't look like that!" The ice ghost said jokingly, and slammed the building next to him without hesitation!

Three dozen meters high castle was collapsed by the ice ghost with a punch. A few conspicuous red blood leaked out of the castle, "God---Dragon!" The blood horse eye roared and suspended. 'S body shook suddenly, and a wild and majestic aura suddenly escaped!

"Yin!" A hundred-meter-long golden dragon opened a pair of jealous dragon eyes, raised its head and screamed, and attacked the ice ghost extremely tyrannically!

"Bang!" With a loud noise, the ice ghost faced the rushing dragon, arched his right arm tens of meters long, and hit the dragon's head with his fist!

"Bang——Kala Kala!" The ice ghost's right arm cracked a series of hideous gaps, his fist had already exploded, and his arm was about to be broken.

"Jie Jie! Really overwhelming!" The arrogant voice came out again, the ice crystal giant's right arm flashed suddenly, the sputtered ice crystal clung again, and the hideous crack healed instantly.

The berserk dragon was fisted by the ice ghost, and a devastating dragon flame spewed from its huge mouth. The turbulent flame of such a volume enveloped the huge body of the ice crystal giant, and the hard blue ice This swift speed melts,

"It's really difficult!" The ice ghost sighed faintly, regardless of the flame on his body, he directly controlled the ice crystal giant and ran towards the largest part of the building.

"Boom! Boom!" One castle after another was smashed and destroyed. Thousands of people were killed by it like ants.

However, there is no good solution to the blood horse suspended in the air. The blood in his eyes is more and more prominent, and a ruthless color suddenly appears on his face.

"God--! Destroy the world!" He pinched the magic trick with one hand, pierced his wrist with his nails, and used the most masculine blood to display a black light that destroys the world!

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