Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1393: A surge in appetite

Hearing the words of the guard, the **** horse's expression did not change, but his eyes darkened, and his face that had become slightly ruddy due to recovery instantly turned pale again.

He didn't say anything, just waved his hand at the inner disciples present, "Go down, let me be quiet, and report the losses of each of your sects, and I will give your suzerain a satisfactory explanation! "

After the blood horse waved his hand and said, he closed his eyes and leaned on the back of the chair, his serious face full of exhaustion!

Responsibility does not necessarily bring about rights, but more troubles and sorrows. If there is a choice, who doesn’t want to live arbitrarily and be an easy-going monk,


A hundred kilometers away from the great city of cultivators, the drowsy, breathless ice ghost slowly condensed out of his body, just like this appeared out of thin air in front of a group of people!

He lazily glanced at the leading young cultivator, and said in dissatisfaction: "Why are you walking so slowly? I bought you so much time, and you only walked more than a hundred kilometers?"

Upon hearing this, the young cultivator approached the ice ghost in a flattering manner, with a smile on his face, and hurriedly accused:

"The adults calm down and the adults calm down. The main reason is that these captives didn't cooperate very well. All of them were cheap embryos. They didn't draw a few whips and didn't want to leave at all! I'm really sorry, Lord Ice Ghost."

The squinting ice ghost looked at the thousands of cultivators strung together by the tough chains, his tone still dissatisfied.

"Are you a pig brain? Can't see that they are delaying time? We have over-fulfilled the task. Pick a few thorns and go straight, find a pole to hang, and kill those who dare to resist! Need I say it again ?"

The young cultivator nodded immediately, chuckled and confessed a few words to the subordinates behind him. After a few words, the speed of thousands of people suddenly picked up.

A few cultivators who still had rescue illusions about their fellow students had their necks chopped off by evil spirits with a grinning face, and their bodies were all cut into pieces!

Several cultivators who were seriously injured and could not keep up with the speed were dragged forward by the tough chains, and some were even more cruel. After all, the burden was that no one wanted it, or it would be ruined!

Seeing that the marching speed of the troops has increased a lot, the ice ghost suddenly showed a satisfied smile on his lazy expression.

He breathed out involuntarily, Shi Shiran turned into a trace of turbid water vapor and disappeared between the sky and the earth. A distance of hundreds of kilometers in a day, half a month is enough to reach the ice city!

In the most majestic city lord’s mansion in Gushan City, Wang Mang gobbled up a table of rich and delicious delicacies.

He is naked, his bronze muscles are prismatic, like the most perfect sculpture, every muscle is like carved out of marble, with a powerful beauty.

Next to him, Zhang Lan was sitting on a chair, and she was holding vegetables to Wang Mang with a worried face. She patted Wang Mang's back gently, and said softly, "Eat slowly, Brother Mang! The ingredients in the kitchen are still there." There are many, enough for you to eat!"

Wang Mang opened his mouth and pulled his chopsticks at random. A bowl of rice entered his throat. He nodded when he heard the words, and said vaguely:

"Zhang Lan..... You urge them to serve them faster, and there is not enough rice! Steam a little more!" Wang Mang raised a huge soup bowl and said,'Guru~Guru' Drinking fragrant fresh soup.

"Oh!" Zhang Lan nodded when he heard the words, but still couldn't help but worry about Wang Mang's soaring appetite.

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