Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1402: Can't hang on white sleep

The power of this punch was unexpected, and even Wang Mang's face was a little shocked. He looked at his left hand, he didn't expect that the power of this casual punch could be so powerful!

The mood that was originally anxious to go out gradually becomes more relaxed and happy with the new changes in the body.

He drank his mouth with a smile, and prepared to exercise his body to its peak in this basement before leaving. After all, the basis of fighting is his body, and new physical changes require more time to try and adapt!

In fact, think about it carefully. With Wang Mang's extremely solid foundation, the fusion of the physical body and the supernatural energy is a matter of course. There will be such an opportunity before the sixth level!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's agitated mood calmed down a bit, sitting cross-legged in a chair, and starting various attempts to pull the supernatural energy!


And while Wang Mang was immersed in his practice, Bai Jue sat on an office chair with his back straight. Wearing a white shirt, he felt a little uncomfortable.

One hand grasped the collar loosely, and the other hand carefully filled in the report form of the infrastructure construction of the gathering place.

His meticulous appearance may last until three or four o'clock in the night if no one is interrupted. After all, the decision-making department can provide opinions at the high-end level, and there are still too few elites who make decisions. The number of people who can join the decision-making department is already millions. The talents selected from the people...

In this line of work, unlike the supernaturalists who fight on the front lines, they rely on their brains and talents. If their opinions are not adopted, they can barely be called waste.

"True! True!" Outside the spacious office where Bai Jue was alone, a loud and crisp knock on the door suddenly sounded. Bai Jue lowered his head and held the pen with his right hand. After hearing the sound in his ears, he said: "Please come in! "

"Crunch!" The door was pushed open, and the headed Zhang Lan smiled like a flower, and looked at Bai Jue with joking and playful eyes.

"Oh! I thought our Bai Jue was really a cold robot. I didn't expect it to be a man with emotions and desires! Men, they are all the same!"

"Haha!" Bai Jue, who was immersed in the report, heard the familiar voice, put down his pen, leaned on the office chair, and stared at Zhang Lan with a sneer.

Bai Jue's stern face and sullen eyes were matched with his smile without a smile. Just looking at it made people chill all over the body.

Zhang Lan stared at him uncompromisingly, and yelled at him regardless of quality: "Bai Jue, you brat want to fool my old lady? You were the leader of my old lady for three years as Bai Dang?!

"Hmph!" Bai Jue was irritated by Zhang Lan's sharp words, and even his smile disappeared, but his stern face became a little more irritable, "Zhang Lan, just tell me if you have business! I'm very busy!"

Zhang Lan suddenly covered her mouth with embarrassment, and deliberately made a disappointed look, "Oh, this way, I came to Bai Jue today not for official business, but for Master Bai Jue, you are looking for two looks. Beautiful beauty assistant, it took me a lot of work,

Presumably, private life is definitely not a serious business, I will wait a few days, Lord Bai Jue, you will come to you to talk about these chores after you have a vacation! "

"Ahem!" Bai Jue's stern face suddenly became a little uncomfortable, but he still pretended to be serious, "How can this not be considered a business? I am looking for an assistant for better office work and better contribution to the organization. Well!"

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