Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1410: weirdo

You come and I go, the two who are constantly scolding are fierce, their eyes are red, and the 18th generation of the other's ancestors has greeted at least eleven or two times.

But although the two of them scolded fiercely, they were all measured. The saliva and stars were all splashed on their faces, and they didn't take their hands.

In the end, the ending of the two was quite perfect. Hundreds of black armored soldiers held sabers and crossbows and tied them in chains with handcuffs.

"The fifty proud of heaven selected from countless elites are like this?" Bai Jue with a cold face looked at the two people who were not complaining, frowned slightly, and couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

‘Everyone is the pinnacle of Tier 5, what about the **** nature of the strong? What is said to be rebellious? Why didn't they even do a symbolic resistance one by one, so they were so honestly tied up? ’

Bai Jue couldn't help holding the glasses on the bridge of his nose and let out a faint sigh.

He waved to the captain of the third team next to him, "Brother, you can let go of these two. The identity is okay. They are indeed elites from the major gathering places. You can take them to the banquet room."

After hearing this, the captain of the third team was immediately happy and didn't say much. He waved his hand and smiled and said to the two men: "Two elites, let's go!"

In the spacious and translucent banquet room, hundreds of exquisite and ingenious lamps exude comfort, gentle soft light, and comfortable soft chairs.

The large round table has long been filled with the proud of heaven from various gathering places, and the noise of twitter makes this banquet room a bit more popular.

Sitting on the high platform at the front end of the banquet room, Wang Mang looked at the people in front of him speechlessly.

‘Is this the person at the top of the human pyramid? Why are they all weird and strange, and some are just like uncles buying vegetables, why is there still killing Matt mixed in? ’

"Cough cough!" Wang Mang coughed slightly, tapped his fingers on the table, and looked at the strange young man with hair that is half a meter high and swelling red.

The young man wore a leather jacket studded with sequins and rivets, with a huge nose ring on his nose.

He stood up coolly from the soft chair, his eyes looked at Wang Mang sincerely, his body couldn't help shaking with excitement, and he suddenly let out a strange howl.

"Yo~Yo, my most beloved Lord Wang Mang, I adore you the most sincere heart, and your eyes immediately made me lose my soul. I am here to see the **** I admire most in my heart!"

A brief but not simple hip-hop ended. The weird young man with a nose ring on his nose looked at Wang Mang's eyes with more enthusiasm, like a wild wolf who had been hungry for three days when he saw a plump sheep. Come!

Wang Mang frowned tightly and stared at the eager gaze of the weird young man. After more than a dozen moments, he couldn't help but smile, "You guy is really a talent!"

Hearing Wang Mang’s compliment, the weird young man suddenly jumped on the spot with excitement twice, rubbed his hands nervously, and touched his nose ring as if he wanted to have another hip-hop.

Bai Jue, who was in the lower head, immediately stopped him with a word, "Let’s serve, I think the elites are hungry."

The exquisite dishes exudes a strong fragrance, and the trays are slowly placed on the round table where everyone is seated by the elegant and confident foreign beauties.

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