Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1412: Three women

If you want to unite a group of people into a whole, the difficulty of this matter is difficult or small. After all, fifty completely different personalities, the will must follow the same instruction, which requires ignoring your own thinking.

In other words, it is necessary to train a group of lone rangers into an army. This is not something that anyone can do!

"You said.... There are still women in our group... What method will Lord Wang Mang take to train us? After all, there are differences between men and women. Even if we are all the superpowers of the fifth-order peak, we also need to worry about this. Just a little bit."

A middle-aged man who was fairly normal and looked a little stable took a mouthful of food and said to everyone.

"This kind of probability is not high... This is the end of the world. How can the defense between men and women be so important? If someone really does something wrong, our Lord Wang Mang, including us, will not let him go!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone nodded one after another. The more they were in a high position, the more clearly they understood the current lack of order in this human society. They are the beneficiaries of order, and they are naturally also the protectors of order.

The steady-faced man was chewing peanuts in his mouth and looked up at the surrounding tables. There were a total of fifty people. Women accounted for only three people. This probability can be said to be quite low.

Not only is the gap in the top combat power, the number of mid-level and even low-level female abilities has been small, and it can even be said to be rare.

Drinking orange juice with her head down, the young girl with her hair dyed rainbow colors raised her head timidly, watching Wang Mang raise her hand carefully, "That...that...Master Wang Mang... .Should we girls also receive training?"

Listening to the faint mosquito moan, Wang Mang couldn't help frowning. The green girl with rainbow hair immediately lowered her head, only looking down at the orange juice in the glass, and she didn't dare to speak timidly.

Wang Mang couldn't help but shook his head, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

‘This girl is really interesting. At the top of Tier 5, she has the strength to stand almost at the top of the human pyramid. She still looks like an inferiority complex and cowardly. ’

After clearing his throat, Wang Mang looked at a total of three women on the five round tables. The first one was naturally the young girl with rainbow hair, and the second was Zhang Fei who looked exactly like the one in Romance.

She has muscles all over her body, with a few cross-cuts on her face, and a big green skin shaved. She is also very strong. If Bai Jue had shown him the information before, Wang Mang would never recognize her as a female!

The last one looks quite normal, even a bit seductive, she is wearing a short striped plaid skirt and a white woolen fir on her upper body.

A beautiful shawl and long hair were matched with her charming facial features. When Wang Mang looked at her, the corner of her mouth raised, revealing her white teeth, and she gave Wang Mang a quiet and gentle smile.

Wang Mang also smiled slightly, and as if to say hello to her, he pondered a little, and then said: "Since there are only three women, then there is no need to train with you, but the number of teams of fifty cannot be less! I will send my cadres to make up, and the training will naturally be treated equally!"

When everyone who was eating the food heard Wang Mang's speech, they all put down their chopsticks. Wang Mang's voice did not stop, and he continued:

"I know that you are the elites of the elites in the various settlements. They are strong and respected. Since your physical conditions are so superior, don't blame the training for being too cruel!"

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