Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1414: Cao Yu

After Lu Yao finished speaking, the pupils of the two people beside her shrank slightly, and they looked at Wang Mang with a little more fear than before.

The physical quality surpasses more than one hundred and fifty times that of a person with the same level of ability, can this be considered a human? It's simply a demon with a human body.

"Lu Yao! The more advanced the carrier, the less information you can read?" After listening to Wang Mang, his expression did not fluctuate too much. The perception of such a situation was unexpected, but just looking at Lu Yao It looks like a lot of effort, I'm afraid it consumes a lot of abilities.

Lu Yao nodded nervously, "It is true... the more advanced the carrier, the more power I need to consume... and the information read is so pitiful!"

Wang Mang nodded in understanding, the insect ring on his index finger flashed suddenly, took out a sharp short blade, and he raised his hand to pass it to Lu Yao.

"Try to read this, Tier 3 weapons, there should be no problem for you."

Lu Yao took the short blade and closed her eyes slightly. A delicate and translucent green light slowly floated on her little snow-white hand. After a while, she raised her head, and said after a little hesitation:

"This short blade is called: Neck Slasher. It is a standard weapon specially used for assassination. The twelve owners before it were all assassins and killers. The last owner was quite special. It was a powerful Tier 3 pinnacle ability. ,

It just seemed that the moment he drew his sword, he was killed by you, your lord. "

After listening, Wang Mang smiled and nodded very admiringly, "Yes! That's right! Lu Yao, what you said is right, you don't need to train in the future, as long as you are responsible for reading the item information for me.

Don't worry about the abilities you consume, go to Fu Wendao and ask him to give you ten bottles of recovery potions a day! "

After finishing talking, Wang Mang's gaze gradually shifted to the last woman, with exquisite and charming facial features, and a good figure.

The most valuable thing is that she unconsciously reveals her temperament, which is refreshing, capable and has the aura of a leader.

Wang Mang squinted at her face, and asked in a deep voice: "Name, ability, what position did he hold in the original gathering place?" The woman listened to Wang Mang's question, but smiled quietly.

"Return to Lord Wang Mang, my name is Cao Yu, and my ability is mind-reading! As for my position, I am the deputy city lord in the original gathering place."

"Oh? There is still a deputy city lord in your gathering place?" Wang Mang smiled and rubbed his chin, and then said: "Then you, the deputy city lord, can control the troops?"

Cao Yu shook his head faintly, "This kind of military power is the sanctuary of the city lord, and there is no possibility for other people to get involved. I am only responsible for some logistical work and the prison for prisoners."

"Your city lord doesn't sound stupid, so what is his purpose for appointing you as the deputy city lord? Don't tell me that you appreciate your talents. I don't believe this!"

Cao Yu listened to Wang Mang’s unquestionable words, his handsome face also showed a trace of depression and embarrassment.

"My role should be regarded as a vase. The city lord does not allow anyone to do anything wrong with me, including himself. I am like a work of art, always being watched."

"Of course, I seem to understand his intentions a little bit now. If the beautiful vase brings a generous return, then he will do it without hesitation!"

After Cao Yu finished speaking, she looked at Wang Mang with mixed emotions. Now she seemed to understand why the city chief had spent so much effort to send herself here.

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