Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1418: Certain city

In a lively and crowded medium-sized gathering place in North China, a simple and elegant teahouse was firmly guarded by hundreds of vigorous and powerful soldiers in armor.

The sabers around their waists had already left their sheaths, and their sharp blades shone coldly under the refraction of the sun.

Pedestrians passing by the street were stared at by dozens of sturdy tiger and wolf soldiers. When they took a few steps forward, the soldiers' violent shouts suddenly exploded:

"Get out! Didn't you see the city guards on duty?! Go one step further! Kill it!"

There were a few unhinged abilities who wanted to come forward to make a theory, but they were hurriedly pulled by the companions behind them, "Tiger, you don't want to die, you dare to provoke the uncle of the city guard!"

The middle-aged shopkeeper with a kind and flattering face stubbornly grabbed Huzi's arm, and bowed his waist almost flatteringly and handed the soldier a few shiny silver coins.

"Well, you're pretty acquainted, get out!" The leader of the soldier captain smiled frantically, grabbed the two gold coins in his palms, looked fiercely behind him, and waved his hand under the hand that was about to hold the knife.

"Thank you, sir! Thank you, sir!" The shopkeeper clamored and thanked him, and hurried back down the street with a group of people.

After being around a few corners, Huzi, the most uncomfortable abilities before, tore off the hand held by the shopkeeper, and said with some dissatisfaction:

"The shopkeeper, you are too weak. It's obviously that the group of soldiers is wrong. What happened to us when we crossed the road? Can't we get a good theory?"

"Huh!" The original face was full of flattering and flattering shopkeepers. At this time, the eyebrows were full of coldness, and he whispered coldly: "What do you know? Will this group of soldiers make sense to you?

He said that if you interfere with official duties, you are obstructing official duties. If you are abruptly giving you a knife, you are also in vain. Who else do you expect to make the decision for you? "

The young psychic named Huzi was reprimanded by the shopkeeper, and he couldn’t help but lower his head. From the bottom of his heart, he knew that the shopkeeper was right, but he couldn’t swallow the bad breath.

In his frustrated and dull heart, a crazy and bold idea suddenly appeared like a seed germinating. This idea is like a single spark on the grassland, which can start a prairie fire in an instant.

In the teahouse firmly guarded by hundreds of capable soldiers, in the most secret luxury box on the third floor, the city lord of this medium-sized gathering place sits on a sofa with seriousness.

His brows were frowning tightly, as if he was making a major decision. The four or five cities in the box with the most powerful abilities gathered together, protecting the city lord either overtly or secretly.

"Excuse me, cultivator, forgive me for your request! The conditions you gave are very attractive, but they are not enough to make me betray the entire human camp to be your running dog.

If you want to force it, don't force me to inform Gushan City. They received the message and it only takes three minutes to come here! "

"Hey! Lord City Lord, don't worry, you can talk about anything." The middle-aged cultivator with a round face and a rich body sat on a wooden chair.

The four narrow and slender chair legs seemed to be unable to support his heavy body, and they kept making ‘crunch~crunch’.

"You said that the conditions we gave you are not enough? Then the city lord, as long as we can meet, we will do our best to meet, as long as you are willing, it will be longevity...It is not impossible!

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