Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1433: Start trial

More than a dozen rioters were covered with black cloth hoods, and the handcuffs on their wrists were strung together by a heavy iron chain.

The weight of this iron chain is extremely heavy, one weighs two hundred kilograms, and every prisoner is crouching on his waist, like a staggering old man, slowly moving into the interrogation room step by step.

The prisoner in the lead was led by the fierce Zhao Mengzi. He just wanted to straighten up slightly, and a fierce steel whip hit his back with a ‘pop’.

The prisoner couldn't bear any strength and fell forward abruptly, hitting the ground with several bangs from a dozen prisoners behind him.

"Are you so stupid? What should I do if I smashed the floor?" Zhao Mengzi looked distressedly at a cypress floor that had been smashed out of the hollow on the ground. He was so angry that he slapped several prisoners again. Several steel whips.

Wu Xuan, who was sitting at the table, watched this scene in a complicated mood, without speaking. But Yao Sen, who had been smiling all the time, suddenly turned cold, "Zhao Mengzi, you can't do anything right now....Hurry up and get down to business!"

Zhao Mengzi shook with such a cold voice by Yao Sen, nodded with a smirk, and uncovered the first prisoner's hood.

With a pale yellow face, the middle-aged man, who was about 30 years old, was dazzled by the light. He resisted the discomfort and squinted to look forward.

When I saw Wu Xuan sitting at the table, my face suddenly became happy, and he shouted excitedly: "Brother! Are you here to save me? I know I didn't misunderstand you!"

Wu Xuan turned his head to look at Yao Sen a little awkwardly when he heard the words. Yao Sen didn't say anything. In response to his kind smile, Wu Xuan turned his eyes to the middle-aged man again, and said coldly:

"Zhou An, I have nothing to do with you! When you urged me to join the riot organization, did you think about the end of today?"

"Heh!" Zhou An, who was coldly reprimanded, looked at Wu Xuan, with a hint of sarcasm on his cold face.

"It turns out that you are also a dog raised by others. It's not a good idea to be a beast! Do you want to wag your tail and get together with these high-ranking people to ask for some food?"

Before he could continue speaking, Yao Sen raised his hand, narrowed his eyes coldly, and winked at Zhao Mengzi.

"Yes! Team leader!" The steel whip on Zhao Mengzi's right hand was tightened, and a sharp twitch against Zhou An's jaw, "Boom!" A muffled sound of flesh exploded, mixed with broken bone residue. Fuzzy flesh and blood splashed.

Zhou An, who was directly hit by such a heavy blow, suddenly rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Hold it on! This person doesn't need to be tried, let him use the torture instrument in turn, and then let him die!" Yao Sen said coldly, looked at the fallen'corpse' in disgust, and urged Waved his hand.

"Do these rioters really think they are a revolution?! Give their lives for their ideals? They are stupid riots!

This is killing his compatriots' lives! I didn’t know how many people died in Yicheng when I was a gunman for that group of invaders? Full of 160,000! Those are honest civilians! "

Yao Sen yelled twice with anger, and when his anger subsided a little, he asked Zhao Mengzi to uncover the second person's headgear and waited for Wu Xuan's identification!

"Hey! Your lord, I know this person! He told me in detail about Yicheng when he persuaded me to join the riot organization. He seems to know this well!"

Wu Xuan was a little surprised and pointed to the young handsome young man. He didn't expect him to be imprisoned here.

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