Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1435: madman

As the only armed organization in the entire intelligence department, the members of the action group are all top elites selected from various units.

The backbone of the original insect group has become a cadre. The recent batch of fresh blood has been replenished. The strength is good. Although the loyalty is still doubtful, it is enough to charge and fight.

"Yao Sen, I know your strength. As an old man in the insect group, your qualifications and loyalty are beyond doubt, but are your men sure and reliable?

Although there is no confidentiality authority in this operation, the stricter the mouth, the better, and the province will go out and talk nonsense. "

Zhang Lan frowned and couldn't help but reminded that the smile on Yao Sen's face suddenly disappeared, and his eyes became gloomy.

"Master Zhang Lan, you may not understand our action team. The vices of those troops are impossible for us. Do you say this questioning my ability?"

Yao Sen's words were a bit hard, but Zhang Lan didn't get angry on the spot. She just snorted and warned:

"Yao Sen, I admire the strength of your Tier 5 peak, but I really haven't seen your ability, and! Don't think that you can talk to me with this attitude when you become the head of the intelligence department right away!"

When Yao Sen heard this, he didn't say much, just looked at Zhang Lan quietly with a cold look, and Zhang Lan didn't hesitate to confront him **** for tat.

"You look a bit like a person! Does Yao Ping know? He still has the same surname as you, with the same strength, but what is the result?"

"Master Zhang Lan, I advise you to speak carefully!" A cold light flashed in Yao Sen's eyes, and then said: "I Yao Sen walks upright and sits upright. I am not afraid of your investigation, but Master Zhang Lan, I heard that you didn't take a white pill. , In case it falls into my hands in the future... Humph! Don't blame me for being inhumane!"

Zhang Lan's face was full of anger, and as soon as she wanted to yell at her, the magic ring on her slender fingers suddenly flashed.

Perceiving the information, she frowned slightly, and said coldly in her tone: "You go to mobilize troops now, we can set off!"

Yao Sen did not sneer at her either, and directly ordered a few words to the Ring of Doom. There were a team of 500 people, and the whole body was bloody, twisted, and tyrannical team walked out of the prison gate.

Most of this group of people looked at them, their faces were a bit hideous, and a few of them had neurotic madness in their eyes.

In such a depressing environment in the underground prison, they spend day and night with the prisoners who exterminate humanity and look like beasts, and their personalities have long been distorted.

If you want to tame those prisoners, you have to be more fierce than them! More ruthless! They are the jailers in this prison and the strongest team in the action team.

Zhang Lan squinted his eyes and looked at this cold and cold army, and was a little bit slandered while surprised. Sure enough, what kind of person led what team, Yao Sen, a lunatic with a completely distorted personality, and his subordinates did not look Too normal!

"Follow me!" Yao Sen's chilly eyes yelled at the group of unruly lunatic thugs below, and the whole army instantly became quiet.

They followed Yao Sen respectfully and docilely, and walked toward the space-time passage on the square. Zhang Lan, who led the way in front, looked at the scene behind him suddenly, and suddenly regretted it. Why did he offend Yao Sen? A madman can't do anything.

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