Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1437: Long eyes

"Papa!" A flame was pressed out of the lighter, and the black tiger with a tiger head frowned, with a cigarette in his mouth, looking like a society.

A cloud of turbid smoke was suddenly spit out by Xuanhu. With a cigarette in his right hand, he pointed to the long-eyed monster beast that was full of bones, and said:

"Long eyes, the battle you just said about fighting the nine-headed scorpion was not well fought, and there were many mistakes! But it's not to blame you, we are all newly transformed monsters, although we have a good reputation. His wisdom, he did not learn advanced combat experience.

I have read a lot of books in Gushan City in the past two months, including "Sun Tzu's Art of War", "The Doctrine of the Mean" and "The Analects".

I will buy a copy for you later. Although we are monsters, we still have to learn. Brother, human beings have a good saying that learning makes people progress. "

The monster beast with a pair of chopsticks and long eyes also sighed faintly. The mouthparts like a meat grinder carefully picked up a cigarette, lit with a lighter, and patted the table with melancholy.

"Brother Xuanhu, you are right. After I fought the war, I was scolded by the Dragon King when I returned. He said I was a blind man and illiterate, but what can I do? The nine-headed Jiao is still me. It's done!"

"Brother Xuanhu, I will trouble you with the book. I have the heart to learn, but I am limited by the environment.

And Brother Wang Mang, can you find some teachers for me? I'm afraid that I won't understand the advanced books without Brother Xuanhu's savvy." Long eyes grabbed the poker in his hand and played with a sad expression on his face. Zhang Hongtao three.

"Big King!" Wang Mang threw a clown card and threw it on the stone table. He couldn't help but smile when he heard the request of Long Eyes.

"Long eyes, your little problem, I will give you seven or eight teachers when I go back, and then bring you some books from all the gathering places. It is a good thing to want to read."

"I'm so embarrassed..." Long eyes brushed the soot, and replied a little shyly, "Brother Wang Mang, what else do you want to cherish? We don't have much under the sea. There are so many babies.

By the way, the last time I saw a few fishermen salvaging sea mussels, they said they were looking for pearls...? ! When I go back, I will give you a box of pearls, all of them beautiful and the size of a fist. "

Wang Mang was also deeply moved, "Oh, brother, you are so interesting. It's better to choose a day than to hit the sun if we are so congenial, how about having a drink?"

When Xuanhu heard it, he stroked his palm and agreed, "Okay! Long-eyed brothers, you may not know too much. There is a unique kind of cooking in humans, with a three-character mantra of color and fragrance. I want to say: cooking should only be found in the sky. Taste it!"

"Okay! Brother Xuanhu is very literary!" The long eyes suddenly lit up, and suddenly there were stars of worship and admiration.

Big Brother Xuanhu deserves to be a demon beast who has read books. His talent is not inferior to his eldest Dragon King. It is a great blessing in life to have such a brother.

Sitting at the corner of the stone table, Mo was tightly covered by a mask, looking at the three people who were laughing and praising each other, and shot a bomb blankly.

"Huh! Lost?" "Ha, if you lose, you lose. It's normal to win or lose in the poker game. Master, can we start eating food?"

Wang Mang nodded with amusement and helplessly, and gave a few words to the expressionless Mo, then Mo left alone, and when he came back again, he happened to bring Zhang Lan and Yao Sen.

Exquisite dishes were placed on the entire stone table, Wang Mang poured a glass of fragrant white wine in the cup in front of Wang Mang, and Xuanhu was crazy to recommend the two liters of Coke in his hand to Longyan.

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