Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1441: Cancer Fairy

With an ordinary vertical palm with long eyes, he split the ocean covering more than ten kilometers out of thin air, creating a wide avenue extending to the bottom of the deep sea.

In the transparent waters on both sides of the road, a huge shark with a fierce appearance and a body of more than ten meters long with a terrifying mouth of the blood basin, looked at the transparent barrier in front of him suspiciously.

"Bang! Bang!" The shark rammed its nose lightly. Perhaps it was a little painful. Its fist-big eyes reddened, and it was about to open its huge mouth and take a bite.

The long and vertical eyes glared at it, and the powerful mental pressure was like a heavy hammer hitting the shark's head.

The huge giant silly fell on the bottom of the sea slowly, splashing a cloud of muddy dust. Seeing this, smiling at the Xuanhu beside him, Wang Mang beckoned, "Two brothers, let's go."

Xuanhu watched the horrible scene of moving mountains and reclaiming the sea, and stood still in a daze, somewhat unable to recover, "Brother...brother, your strength is close to heaven, right? I have never seen such a powerful force in my life. Passed!"

"Little meaning, little meaning." Hearing Xuanhu's compliment, his long-eyed and bone-covered face also showed a trace of complacency.

He was originally a monster beast born and grown on the bottom of the sea, and his racial talent was even more extraordinary. His affinity for the sea had already reached an unbelievable level. This might seem like a sea-breaking palm, but it actually consumes no energy.

Wang Mang also couldn't help but nodded slightly, watching this scene of long eyes, his understanding of the sixth level also deepened a lot.

If it is said that below the sixth level are all kinds of attacks based on its own energy, then above the sixth level is to use the heaven and earth aura as a means to attack.

The power of the two is not at the same level at all, and it is not an exaggeration to say one sky and one earth. Natural mighty power cannot be resisted by a small body!

Following the long eyes that led the way, Wang Mang and Xuanhu walked on the dry bottom of the sea and arrived in front of a huge palace shaped like a cancer in just seven or eight minutes. The two humanoid monsters stationed at the gate of the palace looked at the long eyes. Immediately greeted him, "Welcome the master home."

The two crab monsters holding bone axes, the huge crabs looked a little funny, their mouthparts were still vomiting bubbles, but their outlines and bodies already had the embryonic form of human beings.

As if to explain the doubts in Wang Mang and Xuanhu's hearts, they pointed their long eyes to their two subordinates and said with a smile: "Two brothers, these are fighters of my Cancer clan, they are all Tier 5 high-level strengths. After thousands of days and nights, they can also be promoted to Tier 6."

The huge Cancer Palace slowly fell down the door, and a female Cancer humanoid monster dressed in human silks and satin immediately greeted them with a lovely voice.

"Hmph! The master didn't bring the slave house when he went out to play. Did you raise a witch of another race outside? Hmph! The slave house was angry."

"Master, you've been tired for a day. Come to Xiaomei's room to rest and rest later." The Cancer demon girl named Xiaomei licked her mouthparts, looking at her long-eyed eyes with the green light of longing.

"Get out of the way, you females know something. Didn't you see that I was taking my two brothers as a guest? Hurry up and cook some good dishes, otherwise I will see how I enforce the house rules at night!"

The long eyes were surrounded by this group of Cancer Demon Girls, frowning suddenly, and screaming.

The women murmured a little unhappy, but when they saw the person and the demon king, they all turned around and left with fascination, their long eyes turned around, and a trace of embarrassment appeared on their faces.

"I'm really sorry, I made the two brothers laugh, these women and women are all too conniving, and I don't know the manners at all."

Wang Mang's expressionless mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't help but want to complain. It was the first time that this demon girl saw a foreign girl with a lot of exotic customs. It was really fresh and refined, so extraordinary!

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