Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1444: Dragon breath

He has been here several times, and with his worried long eyes, he is not interested in watching the unique scenery in this courtyard. He opened the courtyard door and walked along the stone steps to the entrance of the study. Wang Mang also slowly followed.

When he walked into this small courtyard, he saw that a muddy field had been reclaimed in a certain corner! The few cabbages planted in the field are verdant, as if they were carved from jadeite, not like vegetables, but like works of art.

Seeing this, Wang Mang couldn't help laughing. No matter what the Dragon King was against humans, he admired this high-level aesthetic and artistic sentiment.

Long eyes gently knocked twice on the wooden door of the study, and a majestic male voice came from inside, "Come in!" Long eyes beckoned to Wang Mang sadly, and carefully opened the door of the study.

As soon as he walked into the house, Wang Mang looked at a middle-aged man in a black satin gown with a serious and majestic face who was bending slightly, standing in front of the table exuding a touch of sandalwood, his right hand holding a writing brush, on the table There is an ancient rubbing inscription.

One by one, vigorous and powerful small characters are quickly formed on the rice paper. The characters are refreshing just by looking at them. Even an ordinary person can feel the beauty and power contained in the characters.

Wang Mang secretly sighed in his heart, not to mention anything else, the handwriting of the Dragon King, in ancient times, it was at least a great master, and it was not inferior to the sages of the Tang and Song Dynasties.

After more than ten minutes, after the inscription was finished, Dragon King put the pen on the stone inkstone on the table, stood up straight, and watched Wang Mang slowly with his majestic golden eyes.

"Longyan! Go out first!" Before Wang Mang could speak, Longyan was ordered to leave by the Dragon King.

His face was full of long, tangled eyes, and he gritted his teeth and couldn't help but bow his head and said: "Lord Wanglong, please be kind and excuse me, brother Wang Mang, from the sins."

"Go out!" The Dragon King didn't say anything, and a pair of majestic golden dragon eyes cast a cold glance at his long eyes. Suddenly the long eyes couldn't bear the terrifying coercive momentum, and he turned and left with a worried expression.

When the wooden door of the study was closed tightly, only Wang Mang and Dragon King were left in the study with a touch of sandalwood in the air.

"Lord Dragon King, I have heard of the name for a long time. Please forgive me when we meet for the first time!" Wang Mang took the lead to break the silence of the scene, staring at Dragon King without squinting, and arched his hands slightly.

"Hmph!" Dragon King snorted coldly, and looked at Wang Mang quietly without answering his hands. After a while, he said: "Human! Who allowed you to come to the bottom of the sea? This is not where you should be."

Facing Dragon King’s questioning, Wang Mang’s face was serious, neither humble nor overbearing, and said: "Lord Dragon King, I know that the sea floor is not a place for humans to set foot in, but invaders on land have long been fighting against us humans.

Dragon King, you are also the top powerhouse in this world. Can you help mankind once? "

"Human life and death, what to do with me?" Dragon King looked at Wang Mang, with a hint of sarcasm on his face.

He approached Wang Mang subconsciously, his mouth opened slightly, just about to say something, suddenly his pupils shrank, and a trace of shock flashed in his eyes, "You...how can you have the breath of the dragon in your body?"

"Dragons?!" Wang Mang frowned, a little puzzled, and couldn't help but look at his arm. Before he entered the hidden dragon space, he had boarded a Tier 8 golden dragon in his body.

But wasn't it taken away by Yousha? It's been four years ago, can the Dragon King still perceive it?

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