Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1446: Hualongchi

For the first time, the seemingly stiff and majestic face of the Dragon King slackened, and the corners of his mouth raised to reveal a smile, "You human being has a lot of opportunities. I have lived for nearly a thousand years and I don't have as many people as your humans.

It seems that you really have a destiny with my dragon clan! It doesn't matter! Didn’t you say that the invaders were incompetent with your humans? When it comes to the decisive battle, I will dispatch ten generals to you to protect you from defeating those opponents! "

"So, thank you Lord Dragon King!" Wang Mang was also very excited at this time, and immediately bent over to give a respectful hand to the Dragon King.

The Dragon King waved his hand lightly, "Don't thank me, as long as you remember that in two years' time, you can help me introduce Master Yousha."

After that, the dragon king’s golden dragon eyes looked at Wang Mang for a while, and said with some surprise: "You are only the fifth-tier peak strength too weak.....not even the sixth-tier, you How did you enter that secret realm?"

Wang Mang was about to open his mouth to explain, but was interrupted by the Dragon King's voice, "You are too low in strength, you can't do it, and I will let Changyan take you to my dragon clan treasure house to pick a few favorite objects in a while.

Seeing that you have a solid foundation, a few low-level monsters of Tier 6 in the sea are also handed over to you to clean up! "

"Yes!" Wang Mang's face couldn't help but excitement, Lord Dragon King really took care of himself, not to mention the selection of treasures, but also found himself a trial beast for promotion to the sixth rank! "

Thank you, Lord Dragon King, there are very few monsters above the sixth rank on land. If you can tell Lord Dragon King, you really saved a lot of work! "

The Dragon King smiled indifferently, he almost dominated the entire ocean, and his strength was extraordinary.

The prices in the treasure house are pulled back every day by conquerors, and he doesn't need it. It's better to let Wang Mang choose a few things to improve his strength and be a good favor.

"Long eyes! Come here!" The Dragon King sat on the ancient wooden chair, and Gu Jing said something out of thin air. Almost the moment after the words fell, the long eyes covered in dark white bones pushed in.

With some joy in his eyes, he glanced at Wang Mang, who was unscathed, and knelt down on one knee to bow to the Dragon King, "Thank you, boss, for your kindness!"

"Huh! You don't need to thank me for this. Wang Mang, a human being, has a relationship with my dragon clan. Remember to make friends with him. Later, you will take him to the treasure house to pick up some objects he likes.

And in the East China Sea, I heard that there are a few more beasts who do not know what to do? You take Wang Mang to see and let him practice his hands! "

After that, the brows on the majestic face of the Dragon King slightly frowned, as if he had made some decision. He looked at Wang Mang more and said in an unquestionable tone: "Wang Mang, I will take you to Hualongchi later. One trip! It's a thank you for my request!"

Wang Mang's long eyes were suddenly startled. After Wang Mang heard the words, he immediately reacted, Hualongchi's name is the secret place of the dragon clan. How could Dragon King lead an outsider to such a place? !

The astonishment in Long-Eyed's heart was several times more than Wang Mang's. He knew better than everyone what Hualongchi was! There are more than a dozen generals under the Dragon King, and only he and Dragon Turtle have entered the periphery of Hualongchi as the dragon king's loyalty.

With a trace of the essence overflowing from the Dragon Pond, it was extremely easy to transform into the sixth-order, almost no bottleneck was encountered!

But now, the Dragon King actually let Brother Wang Mang enter the most central Hualong Pond in the Dragon Palace. This opportunity and attention really shocked him!

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