Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1456: The Demon and Rollo Armor

Seeing Wang Mang's puzzled face and frowning and thinking, the turtle monster opened his mouth very understandingly: "Uncle, you don't know that, hundreds of years ago, very few humans on land had gods and ghosts. The powerful different technique of testing.

The demon in the Luoluo armor had a dark body and knotted muscles. When the general sent the armor back, he also chatted with me a few words.

According to what he said, the power of the demon is full of hundreds of tons of might, and the steel and iron bones can open the mountains and the sea with one punch and one kick! "

"But the demon is strong enough, but wisdom is like a child. He was asked by the general to shoot a poisonous arrow into his eye and died suddenly. It is said that his body with the armor removed sank into the sea, and seven or eight sharks bite. After a few days, he couldn't bite his body. It really is a steel bone."

Listening to the sigh of the turtle monster, Wang Mang put his hand down and stroked the thick brass eyes again, and the turtle monster continued to say, "By the way, the way you humans practiced hundreds of years ago is special.

I have also seen that exercise. For dozens of generations, when they die, they will empower their apprentices with life-long power, but now with the changes in the world, I don’t know if there are any more such cultivators. "

Wang Mang let out a sullen breath, and he couldn't help but move in his heart. He was really ignorant and ignorant. It turned out that this world had a similar ability a hundred years ago.

It's just that before the end of the world, those ancestors who practiced in the deep mountains and old forests can only transmit power through this helpless way...

Wang Mang frowned and groaned a little, and finally tapped his fingers on the tiger's head on the chest of the armor, and said: "Just this armor, I like it! It's just... it's just that I have already transformed into it. With the detached body, can the detached body also wear this Luoluo armor?!"

"Of course! Uncle, you don't know that this transcendent body is only the power of transcendence. After the world's fission, the armor is all mundane, and naturally it cannot be worn.

But the armor made in ancient times does not have so many restrictions. As long as you can withstand the strength of nearly ten tons, you can cover it. "

The corner of Wang Mang's mouth rose slightly, and he couldn't help nodding, "This is the best, I want to try it now!" The tortoise demon agreed flatly, his stubby black fingers raised slightly, and the armor on the coat hanger slowly opened. , Suspended.

Wang Mang stretched out with one hand and grabbed the breastplate of the Luoluo armor. Suddenly, an extremely heavy force made Wang Mang's arm muscles tighten slightly. The upper body armor alone weighed at least five tons.

Wang Mang lifted his upper body armor and put it on his body effortlessly. The thick and tough arm armor and leg armor were also wrapped around his limbs by Wang Mang as if he were wearing clothes.

The five armors of various parts gradually approached, and a gentle force slowly acted on the junction. The cyan light on the edges of the armor made the five armors tightly and loosely combined.

The head armor of Ruo Luoluo's roaring teeth was also taken off by Wang Mang from the suspended mid-air, and then gently put on his head.

With a sound of "buzz", a soft blue light burst out of the head armor, and a terrifying tiger-faced face armor completely covered Wang Mang's face, and all parts of his neck and throat were extremely tightly protected.

At this moment, Wang Mang's whole body was wrapped in thick and heavy Luoluo armor, like a human-shaped steel tank. At this moment, his defense power reached a frightening level. It can be said that he is not afraid of any sword attacks. !

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