Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1462: Tough armor

"Hehe, the bite force of this scale fish is quite powerful, with a full 100 tons of power!" Wang Mang murmured with a hint of surprise on his face.

The force exerted on his palm gradually increased, and the big mouth of the fangs that were biting hard by the scale fish was smashed away by Wang Mang a little bit!

"Kara!" Wang Mang suddenly loosened his hands, and the big mouth of the scale fish closed suddenly, and his huge fangs smashed together, making a harsh, piercing sound.

At this moment, Wang Mang's right arm suddenly arched, and his fist covered in blue-black armor slammed on the fangs of the scale fish like a heavy artillery.

The impact of 500 tons of physical power and superimposed swift fist speed has reached a terrifying point. A punch of thousands of tons can't be withstood even if it is a mountain, let alone the fangs of this scale fish?

The result was obvious. The scaly fish roared in pain, and the blood shot in the mouth was like a fist. Its two hardest and sharpest fangs were smashed by Wang Mang's punch. Even the black gums with it were outside. Tumultuously.

‘Hhhhhhh! The inhalation sound resembling a broken bellows sounded, and the scaly fish looked at Wang Mang, who was covered in blue-black armor and did not show the slightest appearance, with a little horror.

It can't figure out what this whole body of steel, hard like a rock is! Why should he attack himself!

"Roar!" He forcibly resisted the fear in his heart, and shouted at Wang Mang again violently: "Roar~~~!" I don't know if it was an illusion, Wang Mang's brows hidden in the mask of the hideous tiger's head frowned slightly, as if He heard the fear in the roar of this scale fish.

A smirk floated from the corner of Wang Mang's mouth. Since you are scared, then I won't kill you so quickly!

"Om!" Wang Mang's body disappeared suddenly, and the scaly fish looked around in fear, suddenly a strong shock came from its hard back, and the pain that penetrated into the bone marrow made its ugly face twisted.

A three to four-meter-high scale fish, after its hill-like body, Wang Mang punched out a two-meter-diameter blood hole. The pink bones, slimy meat and even life-related organs were all clear. See you.

The scaly fish, whose reason was constantly tortured by pain, had completely restored the nature of the beast at this moment, with its big fishy mouth open, and it rushed to the Wang recklessly.

The scales of its whole body suddenly stood up, and countless dark red spicules shot out from the gaps in the armor, ‘ding! Ding! Ding! ’Dense crashing sound.

Wang Mang held his chest with his arms, and the whole body of blue-black armor blocked all the spicules that came out so fast. The hardness of Luoluo's blue armor with no gaps really reached a frightening level.

The weight of nearly ten tons is compressed into the volume of a pair of armor. The density of this metal is incredible!

When Wang Mang was constantly shot by bone spicules, he couldn't help but frowned. Was the demon in this armor shot in the eye and died? !

He raised his right hand and touched the eye socket of the mask on his face. Unsurprisingly, a crystal-clear diaphragm just blocked the gap in the eye socket!

The special manufacturing process of this diaphragm is definitely the Dragon Palace. The next time you meet, you must ask the turtle monster, who is the expert who can make such a perfect eye protection diaphragm on this Luo Luo Qing armor!

When Wang Mang wandered, the frantic scale fish suddenly roared, and the huge body instantly shrank, the knotted muscles and bright silver nails became denser and more deterrent.

It was a pounce at the floating Wang Mang, like a hungry hyena, with its ferocious fangs aimed at Wang Mang's throat, as if it wanted a fatal blow.

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