Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1474: Nether Fire

"Puff!" A gloomy flame suddenly rose from his left hand, and the blood oozing from his severed finger was like the fuel of the flame. The more blood gushed out, the flame became more vigorous!

"Do you know what this is? This is the ghost fire of your world, the real product from hell. Its characteristics are interesting. It can burn all things in this world, steel, flesh and blood, including your soul. The flame burns and turns into nutrients between heaven and earth."

"How is it? Are you really looking forward to the appearance of this nether fire burning? Don't worry, you can see it soon, or in your own body! Hahahahaha!"

The blood horse opened a pair of gray-white eyes, and the smile on his face looked very wild and wild, "When I kill you, the human elites you lead will also be cut off by me one by one!"

Wang Mang collapsed on the pile of rubble, his body healed more and more quickly, the blood horse in front of him sat watching Wang Mang's body recover, the ghostly fire in his palm scorched his tongue, making a palpable crackling sound, "You I'm afraid this body burns very interesting!"

The blood circus waved his left hand, and the skull-sized ghost fire rushed towards Wang Mang swiftly.

"Om!" In this short moment, the light blue time and space ripples suddenly appeared, the **** circus look suddenly changed, and the facial features became hideous and terrible because of anger.

"No matter what your background is, you will die for me!" The Nether Fire instantly set a prairie fire, and the area tens of meters around seemed to be covered by flames. Crushed stones, floor tiles, and soil instantly turned into black flames, except that it should have roared in agony. Wang Mang is gone!

The abruptly appearing time and space channels were distorted and collapsed under the scorching of the Nether Fire, but the expression on the blood horse's face was extremely angry, and his gray eyes suddenly flashed, and the mighty power of insight into the world was immediately activated.

"So you are here!" The blood horse sneered, and his figure disappeared again.

There was an endless black mist in the air, and the **** cage that was constructed endlessly was in a corner of the mist, and Wang Mang's broken spine bones were joining together at a rapid speed.

As long as the spine recovers, then he has the ability to leave! The blood horse is now invincible, invincible with every move, but this state will definitely not last long!

The eyes of Infinite Destiny were filled with deep anxiety, and the black mist in mid-air was rapidly diminishing under the burning of a large swath of nether fire, and it was about to burn to the position of the **** cage. Infinite thoughts moved, permeating The mist shrank instantly and turned into substance!

"Many arm as a car!" The **** horse's voice echoed in the sky, and it was another punch without a trace. The lifelike body instantly collapsed and exploded. The body built after tens of thousands of painful emotions was actually punched by the blood horse. destroyed!

"Wang Mang! Don't do these unnecessary struggles anymore, my time is almost here, you should come here quickly!"

The blood horse was suspended in the air, and his left hand directly sucked in the **** cage. The black mist that turned into a substance only resisted for a few moments before exploding a hole. Wang Mang who was lying on his back seemed to be sucked away by the blood horse without any resistance!

It was another intangible punch, and the blood horse hit Wang Mang again. But before the punch was hit, Wang Mang suddenly floated up, his arms blocked his chest, and a special blood color resisted this. attack!

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