Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1477: Continuity of action

Wujian's identity is very special. He is the incarnation of Wang Mang. In essence, he is a part of Wang Mang's body. He has inherited most of Wang Mang's memory character.

Now that the owner is in a coma, he must take the initiative to resolve the mess left by the raid.

The young man with a stunned sword squinted his eyes and looked from head to toe. This person had a large stab wound of at least half a meter in his abdomen, and the back of his shoulder and neck was cut open by his own sneak attack. Like two centipedes, the flesh and blood fascia inside are very clear.

It stands to reason that an ordinary person has such a knife wound, and it has long turned into a cold corpse. Seeing that the person in front of him has bright eyes and an amazing aura, it does not look like a situation where he has suffered two fatal injuries.

Doubts, incomprehensions, and fears lingered in his heart, causing him to stand on the spot for a while, and even forgot to answer the endless questions.

"Young man, are you listening to me?" Wu Jian frowned and patted the shoulder of the person with the knife power.

"Huh?" The man suddenly recovered, and suddenly remembered what Wu Jian had said before. He pondered for a moment, then looked at Wu Jian deeply, and finally nodded.

"Okay, I'll tell Master Xuanhu, you just stand here and don't leave!"

After speaking, the person with the knife ability ran in a certain direction. After a few steps, he slammed his foot on the thick wall. The shining sharp blade teeth clenched tightly with his hands. Turning over, the figure suddenly disappeared outside the wall.

After waiting for the person with the sword ability to leave, he pulled the two gates of the castle that looked like jade and not stone with both hands. There were two sounds, the heavy gate was closed tightly, and the mountain-like piles of corpses and stickiness were inside. The fishy pool of blood will never be seen again.

"Where is that person?! I'm going to see who can survive the two stabbings!"

With a fierce tiger head and a mottled blood on his armor, the mysterious tiger pushed open the courtyard door of the castle aggressively. As soon as he caught his eye, he glared a pair of tiger eyes and stared at the infinity standing at the door.

A knife in the chest and abdomen, a knife in the shoulder blade, two fleshy gaps of at least half a meter long appeared on a human, then this human must be a dead body that can no longer die, this person is not a supernatural person!

Xuanhu squinted his eyes and perceived it carefully, and then came to a clear conclusion that the aura on this person was a bit like a servant driven by these cultivators, but this seriously injured and undead person was just a servant? This doesn't explain anything.

Taking firm steps, Xuan Hu walked directly to Wu Jian, and asked in a cold voice, "Who are you on earth?"

In the face of Xuanhu's indifferent tone, Wu Jian was not angry at all, and explained with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth: "Xuanhu's raid is troublesome for you. I am the master's incarnation called Wu Jian!"

Suddenly, a strong black evil spirit came out, and Xuanhu’s unique monster sense smelled a smell similar to Wang Mang’s body after the black evil spirit floated in the air.

Xuanhu wrinkled the tiger's face, still looking at it with disbelief, just let him believe it with the slightest smell? This is naive.

Looking at Xuanhu who was silent, he also understood the worry in his heart. He smiled gently and said: "If Xuanhu is not at ease, you can find Bai Jue and Fu Wendao. They know me."

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