Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1484: Baimei's decision

"Uncle, coming soon! The cottage in front is where Grandpa Baimei stayed."

Several Maotou children jumped and pointed, stepped on their short legs and screamed towards the low thatched hut, "Grandpa Baimei! Grandpa Baimei!"

Lying on the bamboo bed, he held a book with his right hand, and his left hand reached into his chest and rubbed his white eyebrows while listening to the immature shouts. He couldn't help his head being a little big. He put the yellowed novel in his arms. Si, turned and lay down on the wall, no matter what the young supernaturalist said, he would not leave here.

"Is Grandpa Baimei pretending to be asleep again?" The dog sucked in clear water, pushed his motionless Baimei, turned his head to look at the young supernatural person, "Uncle, Grandpa Baimei is still asleep, he will go to bed. Snoring loudly!"

The young psychic couldn't help but smile, feeling for the first time the value of the candy flowers he bought.

"Old man Baimei, listen to me telling you carefully that the alien race that invaded half a month ago was directly wiped out by our human alliance, but our leader was also viciously cursed for it.

As long as you come out, no matter whether you can cure the leader, we will offer a generous reward! "

Baimei still lay his arms and closed his eyes, and turned his back to the young supernatural person without saying a word.

"Go and show our leader, you can come back here in two days at the earliest and seven days at the latest.

On behalf of the All Mankind Alliance, I make a promise that as long as you go to this paradise-like place, we will never disturb. If you encounter any danger, we will do our best to solve it. "

"Grandpa Baimei, please agree to him. When you come back, don't forget to bring us a lot of toffee, and I like that chocolate too. Don't forget Grandpa Baimei."

The four or five hairy children in the ears of the white eyebrows kept croaking. He frowned in pain, and finally moved and sat up. He looked at the young supernatural power somewhat helplessly.

"I'm just a mountain villager, and I haven't even awakened the abilities you possess. I am such a bad old man, how can I solve the curse of your leader."

The corners of the young man's mouth raised slightly, "As long as you go, there will definitely be a way. Besides, your medical skills have healed more than 3,000 people. You can definitely be called the famous genius doctor Baimei."

"Your investigation is really detailed..." The details of his own were said clearly, and it was no surprise that Baimei fell. The reason why he was unwilling to lift the curse of the leader was nothing but the fear of the paradise he was waiting for. affected.

If he doesn't want to influence the villagers in the stockade, then he must never come back. He knows his worth, saying that a piece of fat is almost the same. In the last days surrounded by wolves, staying here will undoubtedly cause trouble to the villagers.

The young supernatural person seemed to see the worry in Baimei’s heart, and quickly persuaded him with a smile: "Don’t worry, our leader in the human alliance has the greatest say. If you don’t want to leave here, I can talk to the leader, Send an organization's most loyal combat power to protect you."

Bai Mei groaned for a moment, and waved his hand. This young supernatural person has been here seven or eight times, and it is estimated that he has reached the limit of courtesy. He does not want to see those violent methods, and he does not want to happen. Looks like he has to take a trip.

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