Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1489: Prepare for treatment

The **** cage can isolate the world, and the potion in the Wang Mang insect mustard ring can temporarily restore his body to a level above the qualified line. With these two guarantees, Baimei can confidently determine the success rate at 70%!

"Master Wang Mang, may as well let's start now, the earlier the time, the greater your chances of releasing the curse!" Baimei looked at Wang Mang firmly, and Wang Mang nodded, "Wu Jian, you can use your **** cage now. !"

The eyes were gloomily replied, and the right hand lifted up with a light wave, and the whole person's body instantly turned into a dark and deep suffocation.

A steel cage with distorted and painful faces gradually enveloped Wang Mang's entire body and his white eyebrows. The solid iron rod and the cold suffocation made the atmosphere in the whole room seem a little gloomy.

White eyebrows frowned and looked at the cage deeply. He didn't say much. He knew that this impermanent cage was not a good thing, but the evil spirit that was so strong that it turned into a substance did completely complete the air between the world and the earth. Isolated, the cage at this time is a vacuum of spiritual energy.

"Master Wang Mang, you can take the medicine now!" Bai Mei put the box slung on his shoulders at the foot of the bed, and took out silver needles that were more than ten inches long.

When Wang Mang heard the words, the worm and mustard ring on his index finger flashed slightly, and a pale golden potion appeared homeopathy. The cork was engraved with the head of a dragon, and the dragon's eyes were shining with red light. Lifelike golden dragon scales surrounded the entire transparent potion bottle. The body, sharp and realistic dragon claws, and the bones on the back are all visible.

"This medicine is the only one in the world!" Wang Mang's eyes were deep, and he couldn't help muttering. The medicine that was given to the paralyzed Bai Jue was a phoenix nirvana pill, and the one in his hand was a golden dragon. The potion of the proud world, the former turns yin and yang, the latter reverses the universe...

Wang Mang didn't hesitate any more, his sitting body straightened slightly, he pulled the cork away, and the pale golden potion flowed down his throat into all parts of his body!

‘Guru-Guru! The skin on his arms kept agitating, making strange muffled noises. The skin wrinkled like old tree bark seemed to have absorbed strong vitality and became smooth and flat at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There was a blush on his sunken cheeks, and a hint of blood on his shriveled cheeks, "Cough...cough!" Wang Mang couldn't help clearing his throat, which was loud and crisp except for the unexpected. In the past, he didn't say coughing. Now, as long as he breathes a little more, the dirty blood in the five internal organs can't be restrained from spraying out of his mouth.

"Huh--!" Wang Mang closed his eyes leisurely, and it feels good that his body quickly recovers...

When the marble-like delicate muscles reappeared on Wang Mang's body, Bai Mei couldn't help but squinted his eyes. The effect of the pale golden potion was stronger than imagined!

"Master Wang Mang, how does your body compare to ordinary people?!"

"At least three or five times stronger!"

Wang Mang's right hand clenched a fist slightly, his slender fingers were brought together, and there was a crackling noise at the joints, ‘Kara~Kara! Wang Mang turned his neck abruptly, his stiff neck and his breathing became much smoother.

"Good, good!" Bai Jue couldn't help clapping his hands and laughed, and then there was a trace of solemnity on his face, "Master Wang Mang, how long can you maintain your current physical condition?!"

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