Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1505: Dark nail

Sitting next to the long solid wood table were high-level cadres in various important positions in the Intelligence Department. They patiently listened to Wang Mang and Ma Jian’s exchanges. When Wang Mang turned his attention to them, these powerful men sat in one after another. Right, like a good student listening to the teacher's lecture, he looked at Wang Mang attentively.

"Everyone! How many rebel gathering places have not yet been suppressed?"

"My lord! There are still four remaining, two medium-sized gathering places and two small gathering places. Within seven days, the four cities will be broken!"

"It's too slow!" Wang Mang shook his head dissatisfied, "Within three days, except for the gathering place near Cangshan, the remaining three gathering places have been resolved!

You contact the people in the Shadow Department, and let Bai Jue assist you, the three gathering places should no longer exist now! "

Several people from the Intelligence Department looked at each other, and then one after another responded. The matter of breaking the city was resolved by the Allied Forces of the Shadow Department and the Human Alliance.

Originally, the seven-day deadline was set just to reduce the risk. Now that the leader asks to break the city in three days, it is impossible for these three cities to resist until the fourth day!

"Shao Hua, what is the size of the gathering place near Cangshan? How many secret whistles our worm group has in it?"

Wang Mang's finger with a cigarette **** vacantly nodded a cold-faced man with a hazy breath sitting in the front position. Shao Hua, whose breath was as cold as ice, thought a little, and then replied aloud:

"Return to the chief, our intelligence department has installed 17'iron nails' in that gathering place, hundreds of'wood nails', and the downline of those developments has not yet been counted.

In addition to our intelligence department, the Shadow Department has more stakes and stronger strength. Many high-value information from major forces are passed on to us by them! "

"Okay! You will immediately order you to go down and investigate a young man named Zhou Ying. He performed a task of escorting grain and grass today. This person should not be difficult to check, but you must not startle the snake. He has something to do with me. Very important thing! Don't aggregate all the information in the survey, just submit it to me!"

Wang Mang commanded in a cold voice, thinking about Zhou Ying's thoughts in his mind, like building a Go chess road, gradually improving.

"Yes, master!" Everyone on the scene stood up from their chairs, and the respectful Chao Wang Mang clung to his voice in a neat and respectful voice. No matter what order the leader gave, their intelligence department would only carry it through!

Wang Mang waved his hand and told them to leave the meeting room directly, "Ma Jian, you stay!"

Ma Jian, who was about to stand up, sat back after hearing the words, and when the wooden door was closed, the small house was quiet again. The only faint sounds were the breathing of the two and the hiss of tobacco burning. .

Wang Mang's left hand finger was slightly bent, knocked on the wooden table, and stared at Ma Jian with sharp eyes shining brightly. He took a puff of cigarette and said slowly: "Ma Jian, I remember that there is a special task in your forbidden land. Team it.

Number of people...I remember well, it should be five hundred people. They can be regarded as an elite group of insects, and this unit is also used after three days. "

Ma Jian looked at Wang Mang inquiringly and said, "Chief, do you need me to send a special team to capture Zhou Ying directly?"

"No need for this! Nor!" Wang Mang pinched out the cigarette butt, shook his head and refused.

"After three days, the task force under your hand will be enough as an ambush. Although this idea in my mind may not come true, it is better to prepare for emergencies..."

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