Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1512: Crazy

"Master Wang Mang, I wonder if you have heard such a sentence-Dark night gave me a pair of black eyes, but I use them to find light?"

The person who spoke did not wait for Wang Mang to answer, and then continued: "I didn't understand this sentence very well for the past 20 years, but I had a fire for the whole afternoon today, and it seemed to understand a little bit.

Lord Wang Mang, what do you mean for us as insect masters? Among the ten lucky people in the world, Lord Wang Mang is one of you and me. Is this just a power?

Have you ever thought that the identity of this insect master is a key, as the strength increases, it will guide us to open what! "

"You think a little too much." Wang Mang lowered his head and caught fire, and after a few moments, he said again: "I know something, but I can't tell you!"

"It doesn't matter, as time goes by, all secrets will not be secrets."

After listening to his words, Wang Mang suddenly raised his head, his deep and sharp eyes resembled the demons under the Nine Nether Abyss, just being watched, a strong panic oozes from the bottom of his soul.

Wang Mang stared at Zhou Ying, the face in front of him was the same as the one on the phantom, except that his cheeks became paler and his eyes looked a little dull.

"Have you brought the mother worm?" Wang Mang's tone became blunt, without his previous politeness.

"Of course!" A pale and sick Zhou Ying smiled faintly on his face. He didn't mention the ten million Golden Dragon Coins and various cherished potions. Instead, he frankly took out a fat, wriggling grinning mother from the worm pattern on his left hand. insect.

"My worm talent is to modify limbs. I believe it will be of great help to you."

Wang Mang took the wriggling and struggling female worm, looked at it for a moment and couldn't help but frown at Zhou Ying, "I have always been curious, as a bug master, what made you give up your identity?"

Zhou Ying grinned, showing cold white teeth, "There is no reason, but I figured it out.

Mushishi is a mysterious and unclear ability that can make me feel insecure, and you are also a Mushishi, Lord Wang Mang. If I don't honestly hand over the female worm, is there a way to survive? Ho ho. "

Wang Mang sneered casually. Of course he knew that Zhou Ying was not telling the truth, but he didn't expect Zhou Ying to tell himself honestly and secretly.

He poured a trace of power into the mother worm and examined it carefully from beginning to end. What was unexpected was that the mother worm had not moved a single bit of hands or feet. It was definitely a real mother worm that belonged to the worm master.

Wang Mang's inner doubts were slightly dispelled, and then more doubts emerged. He accidentally glanced at Zhou Ying, and suddenly his pupils shrank, seeing the ugly thick lines on his neck.

The thick black line gives people a feeling, as if forcibly connecting the heads and bodies belonging to the two.

"What's the matter with the thread on your neck?!" Wang Mang asked in a voice, putting away the mother worm, and storing potions in the ring of worms according to the agreement. The two wooden boxes of Golden Dragon coins were also thrown in Zhou Ying's Underfoot.

"Hey hey! Is Lord Wang Mang ready to do something to me?!" Zhou Ying smiled nervously. In this situation, there was a trace of madness and excitement in his eyes.

"Master Wang Mang, hurry up and cut off my head. I want to try the methods of you, the strongest insect master in all mankind!"

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