Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1546: Three experimental subjects

"Boss! One of the abilities is dizzy! Do you want to experiment directly?"

Listening to the words under his hand, Wang Mang glanced back, waved his hand, and then continued to look at the group of supernaturalists who were paralyzed on the ground, their expressions numb or desperate.

They wailed and begged for mercy, fantasizing that Wang Mang could give them a way out, and they didn't want to become that ugly monster-like insect person anyway!

Wang Mang coldly witnessed dozens of people crying pleading, without showing any mercy on his face. His heart was as solid as a rock, which can also be said to be selfish.

If the power goes further and requires hundreds of people to sacrifice at the same time as the price, then he will not hesitate, because this is the end of the world, and the only law is the strong eating of the weak.

"Don't say anything more, first tie up the three of you to experiment!" Wang Mang was a little upset by the annoying crying and howling, and directly waved his hand. The eyes of the black-clothed men who stood by the side turned from cold to ferocious.

The storage ring on their index finger suddenly flashed, and they pulled a tough and slender iron chain with both hands, slowly walking towards the front row of the three people in the crowd!

The man in black used an iron chain to fasten the wrist of a middle-aged supernatural person.

"My lord, please let me go. My wife is only nineteen years old. I have been married to him for less than half a year. I don't even have a child yet.

I beg you to let me go, I will set up a longevity tablet for you at home, and burn incense day and night! "

The man in black, who was covering most of his face, listened to his croaking words, his indifferent eyes narrowed, and the speed of the chain binding in his hands was accelerated.

Seeing that Wang Mang was indifferent, the middle-aged psychic suddenly burst into despair in his heart. He laughed miserably and shouted madly: "Beast! You must die!"

"Pop!" The indifferent eyes of the man in black shot out a chilling killing intent, and with a clear explosion, his strong palm rounded and hit the middle-aged supernatural person's cheek fiercely.

Visible to the naked eye, the right cheek of the middle-aged man was swollen high, the skin was ruptured and bleeding was leaking, leaving a bruise the size of a fist.

Everyone in the whole room was attracted by this crisp slap, Wang Mang's cold and calm face revealed a smile, and a small centipede appeared on top of the middle-aged supernatural power instantly like lightning under the night.

The hideous worm's head suddenly raised, and the sharp mouthparts pierced a layer of window paper directly into the flesh and blood of the superpower.

The terrifying and familiar experiment began again. The middle-aged supernatural person became bruised from the scalp along his cheeks, his face gradually distorted, and his facial features developed in the direction of deformity.

His body began to twitch, rolling his eyes, and the things like reason seemed to have disappeared from his body.

When Wang Mang saw the experimental state of this middle-aged supernatural being, the heart that was a little expectant suddenly became disappointed, and it was another **** whose will was not able to survive the experiment...

Sure enough, but within three to five minutes, the skin of the middle-aged supernatural person's whole body became bruised and black, and the pustules were bulging and ruptured. The dripping flesh and pale bones were clearly visible.

It's just that his breath of life gradually weakened, and disappeared after more than a dozen moments.

The other two subjects were not much better. The skin of one chest and abdomen was too poor to withstand the burning energy and high temperature of this experiment, and the internal organs were burned like tofu pieces. The other person was directly burned into a black scum!

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