Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1548: Lure

"Hey! Boy, you talk, it depends on your strength is only a second-level low-level, how many golden dragon coins can you earn? How many times can you listen to that little lotus sing a song a month?"

Yao Sen asked unceremoniously. As a giant of the intelligence department, he knew a lot about pubs, red buildings, and places like fireworks and wine alleys.

Now there are many such industries under the Ministry of Intelligence. Firstly, they are profitable industries, and secondly, this direction is the best place to inquire about intelligence.

"Xiaohe!...Xiaohe is very nice!" Zhang Nan raised his head and shouted generously when she was in a daze.

"She is a good girl. Every time I go, she will hold my hand and gently ask me if I have been injured during this period and whether I can sleep well at night..."

"She often confides with me that she stays in such a vulgar and disgusting place. There are many unspecialized guests who always act on her. She even thought of committing suicide...I hate myself for being useless. , I can’t let her out of the sea of ​​suffering, I hate myself for being just a second-order superpower!

As Zhang Nan talked, his eyes gradually turned red, and suddenly he raised his head like a beast, his face grim and firm, "What experiment are you talking about?! Is there still 10,000 gold dragon coins if it succeeds?"

Wang Mang glanced at Yao Sen suspiciously, and Yao Sen shrugged a little embarrassedly, "Leader, this Nan was not captured by us. We gave him a deposit of 10,000 gold dragon coins. Ten thousand remuneration."

Wang Mang took a couple of cigarettes and glanced at Yao Sen unexpectedly. Twenty thousand gold dragon coins cheated a fool willingly. This deal can be done!

"Don't worry, promise that your Golden Dragon Coin will be given to you as long as the experiment is successful!

In addition, in view of the difficulty of the experiment, or the greater personal damage to you, if you really survive the experiment, I will help you redeem Xiaohe, and I will help you purchase a well-decorated villa. how is it? "

Wang Mang’s voice bewildered and explained to Zhang Nan the rich rewards of successful experiments. Seeing his eyes brighter and brighter, Wang Mang’s mouth suddenly turned around with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Have you seen the bug? Our experiment is to make you like that. Of course, you don't have to worry. As long as you survive, this hideous and ugly face will not succeed in the obstacle between you and that little lotus. .

Your transformation potion for the next three years will be paid by our bug group. As long as you survive the experiment, you will have everything you want! "

Wang Mang did not choose to deceive or conceal Zhang Nan, because his situation is quite special. Under what circumstances is a person's willpower the most tenacious? It must be when there is obsession in the heart.

At the moment of life and death on his face, the obsession in his heart will keep pulling him in the direction of survival.

Zhang Nan looked at the black beetle man who could be called a monster, his eyes were almost dull, he couldn't imagine that his body would be transformed into a disgusting monster...

No normal person would choose to become this ugly and disgusting look, but he... What else is left besides this life? What else is of value in him? !

No! He wanted to redeem Xiaohe, as if there was only one way to go.

He knows that his talent is very poor. The second-tier intermediate level has been hit four times without success. As a poorly talented and poor low-level ability player, if he does not sell something, he wants to redeem Xiaohe, I am afraid it is true It's just a delusion.

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