Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1550: Plasmid

"Chief, why should this Nan pour the venom from the throat, if it starts from the limbs, he can definitely last longer with his obsession and will!"

Yao Sen asked his subordinates to faintly surround Zhang Nan to protect him. He was afraid that some supernatural person would jump over the wall and do something irrational. After all, Zhang Nan was obsessed with obsession, and there was a great probability that he could turn into a worm!

The pain continued. The violent pain caused Zhang Nan's entire consciousness to become blurred. He could no longer think normally. There was only one thought left in the brain occupied by pain, that is to survive! For everything he wants, survive!

"Look! He is in very good condition, and the spread of venom on the body surface is extremely slow. What does this indicate? This shows that his subconscious is mobilizing all the energy in his body to resist the damage of this venom!"

Wang Mang smiled and pointed to Zhang Nan, whose face was already disfigured and with disgusting pustules, and he was very happy!

If this Nan's will is really strong enough, then he might be promoted directly to the second stage of the bug man: colony!

This is a super body that is several times more powerful than a colony. It can be called the embryonic form of a detached body. His internal organs and flesh and blood will be transformed into insects. What is this concept? !

An ant can lift objects that are tens of thousands of times heavier than it by virtue of its tiny body. What does it rely on? It's all because of its distinctive muscles!

Zhang Nan, who was kneeling on the ground, couldn't even scream. He could only clenched his fists tightly, and used all his strength to resist the invasion of the venom. His original ordinary appearance became terrifying.

Half of the face was intact, and the other half was black and stinky, and the filthy pustules kept bulging and bursting, very disgusting.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and five minutes passed in the blink of an eye. At this time, Zhang Nan was lying on the cold ceramic tile, his body convulsed, and most of his body was covered with a thick layer of black. A.

The strong and powerful limbs are full of beauty, and the armor on the fragile throat is extremely tough, only that face! Like a yin and yang picture, it is divided neatly!

"Master... this human... seems to have consumed all my venom," the little centipede trembling with a pair of tentacles, lying on Wang Mang's shoulders, arched his body and stared unexpectedly at Zhang lying on the ground. Nan!

"How far is he from the colon?"

"Master.... Most of his internal organs have been transformed, and only a little bit of his heart has not been tempered by the venom. If his will is strong enough, I only need to take another bite on the half of his face. Pouring ten drops of venom, he can regenerate immediately!"

Wang Mang nodded lightly when he heard the words, and agreed with the opinion of the little centipede, and his sharp mouthparts pierced Zhang Nan's intact face.

Suddenly, a brutal and horrible roar like a beast suddenly exploded. He stared at a pair of scarlet blood eyes, sharp five-finger clenched fists, and slammed on the hard ground!

‘Crack~Bang! There was a muffled sound, and the ground that used extremely hard marble as ceramic tiles was dented by Zhang Nan's random punch.

A few moments later, his only intact half of his face also burst into puss, and the black armor quickly floated up. When the black armor on his entire face was joined together, his aura finally changed.

tyrannical! bloody! As violent as a bug, I don't know the life or death! His strong legs supported him to stand up from the ground. With a random wave of his arm, a slender and penetrating bone knife emerged from the back of his hand!

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