Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1552: Zhang Nan woke up

The only successful genital ability, when Zhang Nan survived the experiment, he was truly reborn.

His flesh and blood and internal organs no longer look like a human. The middle-aged worm group member with glasses and a calm face, index and middle fingers close together, leaning against Zhang Nan's throat and perceiving, the breath of supernatural power suddenly disappear Fall out.

After a dozen or so moments, the middle-aged member of the insect group shook his head seriously and worried Chao Wang Mang.

"Chief, this person's body is extremely depleted, flesh and blood have begun to shrink, and the internal organs are consuming activity at a very fast rate. A large amount of flesh and blood energy must be injected immediately, otherwise, within five minutes, he will die!"

Wang Mang nodded slightly as expected, waved his hand and said: "You wait to take him down, don't stop the energy supply, wait for him to wake up, give him the golden dragon coin and transformation potion, let him see one first See the obsession in his heart!"

Yao Sen, who bowed his head and bandaged his palm, immediately raised his head and looked at Wang Mang in a puzzled way, "Boss, since the experiment has been successful, why not use Cerebrates to control him directly? Let him see that Xiaohe, in case he doesn't want to do it again. What should I do when I come back?"

Wang Mang smiled casually, "Yao Sen, you think the brainworm is too perfect. Although the brainworm made by Mo Lan is powerful, the host who takes the brainworm is not completely free from the shackles.

Rather than making Zhang Nan's loyalty a hidden danger, it is better to solve it in advance! "

"Furthermore, our Gushan City is the safest and richest gathering place in China, and even the supernaturalists are yearning for it. Is this ordinary female artist unwilling to come and settle?

Even if Zhang Nan can run, can the artist Xiaohe also run? Even if they run, how far can they run, the insect group and the China Alliance work together to search, and where can they escape? "

Wang Mang's tone was unquestionable. As a strong superior, he had enough confidence that even a mere Zhang Nan could turn the sky upside down?

In the huge and bright chamber, the temporary space-time passage still appeared with a very high frequency, and every time it appeared, there was a capable person with experimental qualifications tightly bound to the ground by his hands.

"Not much to say, let's continue the experiment!" Wang Mang waved his hand to Yao Sen, and immediately three more supernaturalists were escorted to Wang Mang's front.

'what! Several stern screams, but three foul-smelling, pustular corpses were dragged away quickly like a dog in black.

Time flies, the stars change, and the cold winter is over in a blink of an eye, and the goose feather snow that usually falls the next day is invisible at this time.

Along with the change, there was the cold wind, and the bitter cold wind that had been cut like a knife now seemed a little softer, as if spring was coming soon.

"Leader! Zhang Nan who was in a coma for forty-one days in the observation room woke up! The subordinates have already handed over the golden dragon coin and the transformation potion to him, and the interests have been clearly stated to him. The subordinates observe his expression, not like an adult. , Looks resentful towards the organization."

The middle-aged worm group's subordinates wearing eyes respectfully knelt in front of Wang Mang, and spoke everything calmly.

"En! That's great! I mobilized all the secret whistle of the intelligence team to focus on Zhang Nan. I will know everything about him after he returned!" Wang Mang knocked on the armrest and squinted his eyes. Show a trace of interest!

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