Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1579: Don't leave one

The ghost image crouched halfway on a large branch, his vigorous and streamlined body looked like a cheetah ready to go.

Around him were ten black-clothed killers with extremely cold expressions and eyes. These were members of the most elite assassination squad in the insect group. It was just like a joke in an alien land.

"Captain, this alien race has more than 3,000 abilities, among them twelve are above Tier 6, and six are Tier 5, most of them are Tier 4 and Tier 3 ants!"

The man in black coldly used the secret method of sound transmission to pass the collected information to the ghost. He was the scout in charge of the sentry in the team, and the alien in front of him had no idea of ​​making him move.

"There are more than a dozen aliens who are clearly different from this alien race, and their strength is also around Tier 6!"

After listening to the voice transmission, the captain sneered twice. There was nothing more than a group of ants, even if it was Tier 6, it was just ants!

"Sixth and fifth ranks are all killed! The remaining foreigners are imprisoned, and there will be organized people to clean up the aftermath!"

The captain gave orders to everyone in a cold voice, his squatting legs gradually rose, and the killing intent in his eyes shot out in an instant, "Now! The action begins! Don't leave a living mouth of Tier 6!"

"Om!" "Om!" "Om!" Ten swift winds and cracks made everyone in the clan land uncontrollably look sideways. Many powerhouses throbbed in their hearts, and great fear came to their hearts.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Protect the leader! Quick!"

Pecking, who was chewing on the black herbs, couldn’t help tensing his body, and took him in the palm of his hand with a large wide-blade knife more than two meters long. He looked at the dense forest that was screaming like a big enemy. In the next moment, a ghost The poisonous arrow hit his left eye!

"Zheng!" He blocked the huge side in front of him, and the powerful force carried by the poisonous arrow made his knife-holding hands shook suddenly, and the tiger's mouth cracked and overflowed with blood.

He looked at the empty front with a bit of shock. Before he could recover, another fierce long knife slashed at his neck.

"Damn it!" This knife gang is fast and fast, and the angle is terrifying, and it is at the critical moment when his old power is not exhausted and new power is not born.

Almost unsurprisingly, the knife gang slashed on his left throat, and his steel-hard skin was directly slashed by this knife gang, and the sword's power was cut along the flesh and blood with a horrible knife that was several inches deep!

The blood surging from the arteries gushed out like spring water, and he clutched his neck to death, pressing the black medicinal herb chewed in his mouth directly on the bleeding wound.

"Huh!" The almost invisible ghost exclaimed in surprise, his fierce eyes flashed suddenly, and the generous knife slammed at the sounding ghost.

'Ding! There was a crisp collision sound, and the ghost shadow held a long and narrow samurai sword in one hand, directly revealing his figure, "You are a stranger among these strangers! Haha."

The ghost sneered, and the katana in his hand instantly cut out hundreds of afterimages of the sword. The storm-like attack made the dying peck widened in surprise. He couldn't believe how anyone could slash in an instant. Out so many knives!

‘Boom! The body that is as hard as steel is like a piece of pork still being slaughtered under these hundreds of swords. It instantly turns into a rain of blood, splashing everywhere.

"Ah! Help! Don't kill me!" ‘Puff! The sword light flashed one after another, and no one of these strangers could survive three moves in front of the members of this shadow team!

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