Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1581: Captive of Resistance

A secret realm is a small world. How rich are the resources of the whole small world? All kinds of cherished herbs, Lingguo are countless among the dense forests and deep mountains.

There are also all kinds of monsters of various levels, they are also a kind of resources. With the recovery of the aura after the fission, humans will move faster and faster. The forbidden areas of the deep mountains will gradually be given by the strong who search for resources. Tread flat.

At this time, the dense forest is still full of various dangerous poisonous insects, but as long as the power of the abilities rises, the development of the dense forest is definitely a certainty. This is the general trend and cannot be changed.

As the leader of the insect group, Wang Mang is also the leader of the human alliance. Such a strong identity has also carried out a considerable exchange of benefits for the ownership of this secret realm.

The sun was scorching, and the sun in the sky hung in the center of the entire sky. The bonfires of several people made piercing noises from time to time in the alien land filled with the strong smell of blood.

This is the sound of an explosion caused by the rapid disappearance of water vapor. The body of the middle-aged leader has long since turned into a piece of coke, and only scattered internal organs still have a little water remaining.

In the open space next to the bonfire, tens of thousands of people squatted on the ground, and nearly half of the huge group of nearly 30,000 prisoners were frail old, young, and young women and children.

They hugged each other to keep warm. Their faces were full of horror and despair, and the shackles on their wrists and ankles made a rattling sound with their movements.

"Dad, I... afraid!" A short, seven or eight-year-old boy raised his head with innocent, kind eyes, and shook his father's clothes corner.

"Child, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's okay, we won't be in danger."

The young father held his son in his arms, patted him on the back and comforted softly, and smiled cautiously at several people in black who were patrolling guards with humble and pleasing eyes.

A certain man in black just took a look at the scene, and then withdrew his gaze. His duty is to prevent these prisoners from rioting. As for what the group of prisoners are doing, or whether they are dead or alive, he doesn't matter.

"My lord...that.... I beg you for one thing...can you loosen my son's handcuffs? He always says it hurts and disturbs your rest."

The young father chuckled with a smirk, and humblely pleaded for permission from the man in black in front of him.

The man in black turned his head to look at his captain with a frown, and the ghost nodded faintly. Then he took out a bunch of keys, found one, and inserted it into the iron lock of the shackles.

‘Crack~Crack! The handcuffs were slightly loosened, and the alien boy finally stopped crying. The hard and cold handcuffs made a deep gravure on his snow-white wrist, and the skin on the side was a little red, swollen and bruised.

Just as the man in black frowned and observed, the young father's face full of laughter and flattery suddenly changed, and his humble eyes suddenly shot out two crazy, hateful eyes.

A sharp weapon that looked like a screwdriver was pulled out by him from the waist, and it instantly pierced the man in black's abdomen.

"Hey!" A tight-fitting black coat was suddenly torn, and the man in black covered with a worm-patterned evil ghost mask, his expression was almost ugly.

He held the screwdriver in one hand without fear, the sharp barb scratched his palm, and the scarlet blood gathered and dripped to the ground.

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