Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1583: Uses of weak captives

"Ha! You are all going to die! Lao Tzu is not alive!" Another prisoner who intends to resist, he held a dagger with one hand, and Tier 3's strength seemed a bit ridiculous.

‘Om’ a lightning-like blade light drifted by, and his violent expression was suddenly startled, and blood-colored cracks like spider webs slowly appeared all over his body.

‘Boom! With the sound of', his stagnant body exploded, turning into fishy pieces of meat and splashing everywhere in the group of prisoners. There was a sudden uproar of panic and surprise, but under the high pressure of the sharp blades of many people in black, he quickly recovered. Calm down.

The ghost image sat on a rock that was more than ten meters high and scanned the huge group of prisoners condescendingly.

At dusk, the organization should send people to accept these troubles, and they will continue to go to other tribes to carry out **** and cruel suppression operations.

Speaking of this, Guiying couldn't help but think of the situation in the Gushan Secret Realm, which was the best organized and managed secret realm, and Gushan City was built and moved from there.

The foreign races in it know the current affairs well, and not only pay the abundant property resources on time every month, but also send the fighters of the race to the organization as fresh blood.

It's also a foreign race, so why is the difference so big?

For half a day, the huge group of captives no longer had unexpected riots, and a force of more than three thousand supernaturalists drew in orderly.

As the leader of the superpower, Zhang Tao, who is the leader of the supernatural powers, bid farewell to the Shadow Squad without greeting after handing over the keys to the ghost. As for Zhang Nan, who was almost forgotten, he was killed by the ghost. Request to send someone directly back to Gushan City.

"Maintain good order! The young and strong are divided into batches and sent directly to Nandie City for mining! The remaining old and young women and children are grouped together and arranged to learn skills!"

According to the manuscript written by Bai Jue, Zhang Tao directly ordered one by one. The young man of the alien race is definitely the best main force for mining.

The towering back mountain of Nandie City is extremely rich in iron. At present, nearly 80,000 prisoners are in vain when facing the big mountain.

The amount of iron ore mined can't keep up with the efficiency of the blacksmiths in Southern Butterfly City. The prisoners sent them over. Presumably, the daily amount of weapons to be produced should be thousands more.

As for the remaining old, young, women and children, it is the best and suitable job for them to gather the assembly line to produce all kinds of daily necessities.

For example, after repeated kneading of certain vines, weaving can be made into trap nets with broad sales prospects. The value of this kind of nets is not high. The current price is 18 silver coins.

But anyone with an online IQ can make such a net after learning, but the time it takes to compile a net does not match its value.

What's more, the daily wear and tear of trapping nets is extremely serious, and it can be said that it is the most important thing in daily necessities.

After studying for a period of time, the old, young, and children in this group of aliens, as long as they are proficient in weaving techniques, it is definitely not a problem to make three or five sheets a day.

The difference in efficiency between novices and skilled hands is quite large. Even if a net is sold for 18 silver coins, the value created by each prisoner in a day is as high as seventy or eighty silver coins.

War is always the most profitable means. These large-scale prisoners are all treasures who can create Golden Dragon Coins!

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