Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1586: I'm leaving

"Xiaohe, I'm going on a mission again, and I'm about to leave soon. I'm really happy to see your body recovering now. I believe you will be able to move normally soon!"

Zhang Nan, who had already taken the disguise medicine, was sitting on the edge of a sick bed with a human body. His thick hands lightly held Xiao He's slender and white catkins.

At this time, the unremarkably handsome face was full of happy smiles, and Xiao He, who was sitting on the pillow, gave him a blank look.

"Okay, I know you are busy. You should be busy if you are a man, but you should be careful when you go to the task. Don't get hurt. The doctor can tell me. I have two months to fully recover. !"

"Recovered well! Just recovered!" Zhang Nan lightly patted Xiao He's little snow-white hand, without showing the slightest worry on his face.

He is also afraid of death, but only by Xiao He's side, he can bury this fear deeply under his disguised smile, love someone, and don't want her to be sad for anything.

"Zhang Nan! Let's go!" At the door of the ward, a member of the insect group knocked on the glass door unbearably, urging Zhang Nan to leave quickly.

"Okay, don't stay with me here, you see that your companions are urging you!" A smile appeared on Xiaohe's delicate face, and the white catkin lifted up and brushed a few of Zhang Nan's hair. A wisp of dust.

"Look at you, a big man, his hair is dirty and he didn't pay attention. If you forget to wash clothes, send them to me. I am idle and I am idle."

"En!" Zhang Nan responded with a smile, stood up from the wooden chair next to the sickbed, and stroked Xiaohe's cheek reluctantly, "I'm leaving Xiaohe."

"Okay! Go early and return early."

Zhang Nan, who turned to leave, smiled, with a drop of crystal tears falling from the corner of his eyes, maybe...I will never come back...My little lotus.

"Brother, thank you very much, let's go!" Zhang Nan patted the man's shoulder thankfully, and left with him with a smile.

In a gloomy cabin, Bai Jue with an indifferent expression pushed the half-rim glasses on the bridge of his nose and watched as Zhang Nan's mouth rose a little when he walked in from the door.

"Zhang Nan, time is very urgent, so the time left for you to accompany Xiaohe is not long. You should also understand the nature of this mission. So far, what do you want to say?"

After hearing this, Zhang Nan was silent for a few moments, and then nodded, "Master Bai Jue, give me a pen and paper. I want to write a suicide note!"

"Yes!" Bai Jue did not hesitate to agree to Zhang Nan's request, raised his chin to the men beside him, and immediately appeared in front of him with a pen and paper together with the wooden table.

The black gel pen swiftly walked on the letter paper, with a few lines of concise and concise words, but with tears of blood. The letter paper of good quality was wet with drops of crystal tears.

Zhang Nan, who was sitting at the table writing letters, sometimes cried, sometimes laughed wildly, or mixed sorrow and joy, uncontrollable.

He really went on this mission with the belief in self-discrimination. He did not intend to come back alive. The last words of his separation from Xiao He were a bit different from the past. He just said that he was leaving, but he did not say that he would return .

The pen cover was closed and the letter paper was also stuffed into the envelope. Zhang Nan, with tears still remaining on his cheeks, directly tore off his disguised skin, and said firmly, "Master Baijue, send me away."

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