Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1596: Heavy note

‘If you want to be rich, place a big bet! ’

Now that you have decided to place a bet on Zhang Nan's chess piece, take advantage of the victory and pursue it and increase your bet.

In addition to the solution passed to Zhang Nan, the think tank, after careful discussion, asked for Wang Mang's consent, and decided to transfer the items in the middle of the night in the world where Zhang Nan is located.

The storage ring on Zhang Nan's finger that looks like an iron ring is also a high-end item customized in Hidden Dragon Tablet. Although the cost of using the cross-border transmission function is extremely high, it is nothing but a drop in the amount of benefits from obtaining important information.

Once the huge group of insects acted, it was like a sophisticated and huge machine, and every part of it safely guaranteed the operation of the machine.

All the cash flows of various departments were urgently adjusted, and the daily necessities produced by the foreign captives in the secret realm were mortgaged to the sellers to withdraw funds in advance. The reserve weapons of Nandie City were dumped at a price reduction of more than 4,000.

Unknowingly, the worm group's ability to attract gold was shown to the fullest in this emergency.

"Chief! All departments raised 90 million in funds. The remaining Nandie City and New Secret Realm funds are being sorted out quickly and will be immediately escorted to Gushan City in a quarter of an hour!"

Listening to the report from his subordinates, Wang Mang nodded indifferently. This time, in order for Zhang Nan's actions in another world to remain unaffected, more than 20 artifacts selected by the think tank in the hidden dragon stele will all be purchased.

The high cost of cross-border transmission is already drizzle under the cost of this artifact.


Yang Jiang paused with the tea cup in his hand, closed his eyes slightly, and replied to the sound transmission with a serious face. After a few moments, he opened his eyes and smiled and said to Zhang Nan beside him: "Brother Zhang Nan, let's go. Master has only just transmitted the sound to me, he has already arrived at the Qinghutang, let's just go in directly."

After taking a sip of fragrant tea, Zhang Nan felt bitter on the tip of his tongue, and the anxiety in his heart converged under his plain expression.

Although the think tank of the insect group has figured out a solution to the problem for him, he is still worried. He is not afraid of ten thousand, but he is afraid of it. If the master of Yang Jiang discovers his true identity... The consequences are disastrous.

Stretching his head is a knife, and shrinking his head is also a knife. Zhang Nan, who has a decision in his heart, gritted his teeth faintly, put the tea cup in his hand on the coffee table, showing a nervous look, and followed Yang Jiang to open the bead curtain and walked in. That Qinghutang.

At the eye, it is a picture of a tiger climbing a mountain with a width of about one meter and a length of feet hung in the middle of the lobby.

The strong and strong tiger body, the pale blue variegated tiger pattern, the sharp and slightly curved limbs and tiger claws, it has white and ferocious teeth, a pair of round eyes, and the murderous tiger eyes are staring straight at the lobby. At the door, the deterrence of the king of beasts appeared out of thin air.

Zhang Nan was taken aback by the tiger, and the fierce killing opportunity that had attacked and killed hundreds of imperial eagle claws over the past two months overflowed.

Yang Jiang beside him patted Zhang Nan's shoulder anxiously, and shouted in a low voice: "Big Brother Zhang Nan, hurry up and reduce his murderous spirit. This is Qinghutang, and my master is still there!"

Zhang Nan, who was awakened by Yang Jiang's words, instantly oozes cold sweat from his back, hurriedly condensed his murderous aura, and his eyes couldn't help looking at the serious old man sitting on the chair of the elder under the tiger's uphill picture.

The old man had a red face, and a light blue loose robe was quite imposing on him. The hands exposed at the cuffs were bright and white, not to mention the hands of an old man, and they were no more than the slender hands of the young woman.

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