Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1599: Another Zhou Ying

When Zhang Nan escaped the danger and merged into the Canglangmen, Gushan City once again ushered in a thin young man.

His name is both familiar and unfamiliar. Why can a person who has died four or five times continue to live? Is he still the original him...

"It's really irritating. It's that disgusting bug again. Didn't you just run him to death last time? How long has it been?"

"Who said no... The one in front of us should not be regarded as a human, it should be called a clone. Although his body and brain are the same as normal people, he is flawed in some respects.

What is the purpose of Zhou Ying doing this? I think his behavior is really meaningless! "

Two fifth-level elementary worm group guards who were responsible for guarding a certain time and space channel, smoking a cigarette, got together and pointed at Zhou Ying, who was appearing in his body.

They have notified the people in the black squad to arrest, and this kind of battle arrest of non-wanted criminals is not within their scope of responsibility!

The thin man who walked out of the vortex of time and space, squinted, dressed in a light blue sweater, and holding a horizontal katana in his hand.

The temperament of his whole person seems to be frowning and disgusting, just like a hungry hyena wandering on the grassland, ticking his saliva, his eyes are full of greed, and he wants to rush to take a bite when he sees the prey.

"Hey! Are you two beasts talking about Lao Tzu? Roll over and kneel and lick Lao Tzu's shoes clean. I will barely spare your dog's life, otherwise...I will chop off your heads for soup. drink!"

The entire face was full of hideousness, and the crazy Zhou Ying lifted the samurai sword, and pointed provocatively at the two worm group guards.

"Damn..." one of them cursed, unable to bear the provocation, and flushed with anger for a while, subconsciously wanted to take up his weapon and step forward to show Zhou Ying a little bit of color, but he had just walked half a step. , That is, the companion next to him stopped.

The other person is a bit older and looks calmer. He just frowned and shook his head vigorously. He turned to persuade and said, "There is no need to care about this kind of garbage. Just wait for the people in the black team to deal with it."

"Bah! Two scumbags!" Zhou Ying spit on them in an insulting spit, laughed arrogantly, and walked towards them slowly, holding a knife, "Since you don't want to come, then I will The past is fine, the result is the same anyway."

At the moment when Zhou Ying's Kyogen had just finished speaking, a swift and thundering knife light slashed straight down, and his hand with the knife fell on the spot.

"Ding ~ Dang!" The samurai sword fell to the ground together with half of his arm. After a few moments, Zhou Ying silently looked at her severed hand. There was no pain on her face, but her neurotic madness was a little bit more insane. Minute.

He was as mad as he was when he walked out of the space-time channel, and the smile on his face was also very strong. He looked up and looked around, laughed wildly and shouted: "The black dog is really a black dog. My previous brothers died. Not injustice."

"Zhou Ying's mouth is really dirty!" A man in black wearing a half-worm pattern mask suddenly appeared, his sinister eyes filled with disgust.

‘Huh! A long knife with a black handle slowly came out of its orifice, and the moment the tip of the knife separated from the sheath, Zhou Ying's throat instantly exploded a gorgeous flower of blood.

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