Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1607: Two Teams Competing

"Fuck you big head! Take off the mask and let me wear it!" The thin man looked fierce and didn't look like a good person.

The fat man looked down at the blue mask on his face and sighed. Who made him the boss, "Boss, a mask of five thousand gold dragon coins."

The fat man took the mask off reluctantly, holding the mask in one hand and pinning it behind him, and the other fat and stubby palm stretched forward, beckoning the thin man.

Looking at the appearance of the fat man, the thin man was taken aback for a moment, and then he gritted his teeth in a rage, and slapped the fat man's head with an unceremonious slap.

"You are really faint, you dare to make money for Lao Tzu! How much Lao Tzu supported you back then, now it costs five thousand even to borrow a mask, do you still have humanity!"

The fat man was slapped and didn't get angry. He smiled and touched his head, "Boss, you also know that I am also trying to save money for a better practice. I don't have a better practice for this supernatural power. It can’t exert any power, this is also for the sake of our team, right?"

The thin man glanced at the fat man helplessly. Who made them young? They met at the age of six or seven, and the feelings were deeper than their brothers. Five thousand gold dragon coins would be five thousand.

The thin man took out five gold tickets worth 1,000 yuan from the storage ring, handed them to the fat man angrily, and took the mask directly from his palm.

After putting on a mask and covering his nose and mouth, the nausea and muddy odor diminished a little. "Let's go, let's search the rooms on this floor one by one."

"Good boss." The fat man nodded and obediently responded, and took out a brand new mask from the storage ring and put it on his face.

The thin man glanced at him obliquely, revealing the sun-like smile of his brother to his brother, and a thunderous straight fist hit the fat man's arm. With the force of this fist, bruises were inevitable.

"Oh~Oh." The fat man clutched his arms, wailed twice with a fat face, walked into the room and relied on his mental power to scan the room for hidden tunnels and other settings at random. Unusually, he frowned and prepared to leave, but suddenly, he glanced at it suddenly, and then suddenly looked out the window.

"Boss! Information leaked, at least a dozen supernatural beings are here!" The fat man immediately roared, and his fat body suddenly rose, and a layer of copper and iron-like shiny light covered his skin.

At this moment, he was like a humanoid Titan, slamming the wall abruptly. With a ‘bang’, the bricks and stones splashed all over, he let out a roar like a wild beast, and his fat and sturdy body slammed on the ground fiercely.

When Fatty spotted the dozen or so powers, they also found Fatty. In the battle of the powers, to escape is to show weakness. The law of the jungle in the last days teaches all creatures an instinct. Never show your back. enemy!

"Who are you?! Are you also the tea guest who drank Liao Zicha?" The slinky skinny man watched the crowd of supernatural powers vigilantly, and a bloodthirsty red long knife slammed on the ground in his hand. The fierce murderous aura of the sixth-order intermediate is overflowing like a tide.

"It turned out to be the blood rifled knife on the rankings, disrespectful and disrespectful!" A handsome young man in samurai tights shrank his pupils slightly, and arched his hands while looking at the thin man with a smile, "I don't know if Master Blood Knife came here to find Zhou Ying. Clues?!"

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