Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1612: Fleeing and chasing

Zhu Xu hung upside down on the ceiling like a poisonous snake lying quietly and dormant in a mud hole in winter, but now that a hunter has a shovel to dig up the dirt, this poisonous snake regains helplessly.

‘Boom! Boom! Boom! His heart was pumping violently like a drum, and the energy accumulated for 30 minutes of suspended animation burst out at this moment.

"Boom!" The seventh-story wall was smashed through by a swift and abrupt figure, and the face of the ghost hidden behind the mask became difficult to look. "Let me chase you! I want to see people alive, and a corpse when I die!"

‘Huh! ’‘Huh! ’‘Huh! A dozen people in black immediately pulled out their sabers from their waists, and their eyes were full of fierce jumping out of the window to catch up.

The figure of this person who flees is simply hitting them in the face, so far no one has survived the pursuit of their black team!

Zhu Xu, who was constantly leaping and fleeing in the ruins and dense forests, had his heart beating extremely fast. He was gasping for breath, and his pupils were filled with fear. Who does not know the notoriety of the black team? Being caught by them is really only a dead end!

"Om!" A weird and swift knife gang slashed like a thunder on a giant branch next to Zhu Xu, but his fingers were about to be severed!

"You can't escape! No matter where you escape, our black team will never let you go!"

The ghost image took the lead, and his hoarse voice was like a **** devil opening his mouth to threaten. His body was extremely fast. He took a samurai sword from his back and held it in his hand. His vicious eyes just swept away. A tricky knife gang slashed out.

‘Zheng! This sharply angled knife gang fell on Zhu Xu's escaping back as if predicted. The soft armor of unknown material was extremely hard, and it stiffly helped him resist the knife.

But the huge impact that Dao Gang carried still made his figure unnatural. The majestic impact shocked his internal organs shifting, and every step he took, the internal organs of the chest and abdomen were painful. !

The severe pain made Zhu Xu a nausea in his throat, and he couldn't hold back any of them as he rushed, vomiting a stream of bright red sticky blood.

If he flees like this, I am afraid that it will not be long before he is not caught, and he will be dragged down by his severely injured body!

"Cooperate well. Our black team will not kill you. I am a ghost. I can promise you here that as long as you cooperate well, I will never take your life.

Now that you have been injured by the shock, it will not last long. If you don't stop within ten seconds, then go to heaven with peace of mind! "

The ghost that was chasing after him was about thirty to fifty meters away from Zhu Xu, and the distance was still shortening. If he kept on going as he said, then he would really become a dead soul under the sword.

"My lord! I won't run anymore! I surrender, I am willing to be a prisoner!" Zhu Xu immediately turned around and knelt to beg for mercy, putting his posture extremely low.

Between life and death, he still chose a path where there was little hope, hoping that the leader of the black team could keep his promise.

"You guys are good at it. I played around with our black team as monkeys. Let's talk about it. You know what information, and your hidden skills are truthfully explained!"

I am a fish and a knife. Facing the indifferent and fierce eyes of the ghost, Zhu Xu, who was kneeling on the ground, wanted to make a request, so he was stared back with his ferocious eyes.

Alas.... Zhu Xu swallowed bitterly, and helplessly confided all the information he knew.

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