Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1618: Chase and flee

In the sky, in the huge pit, two terrifying behemoths are constantly fighting and fighting, but the opponents behind the battle are still looking at each other indifferently. This is like a game of chess and pawns on a chessboard. Killed fiercely, but the generals in the nine houses will not leave the nine houses.

The battle between the two giant beasts gradually became fierce. The centipede’s thousands of paired legs were broken a lot by the struggling and twisted worms. The hard and wide shell was also full of cracks by the gravel on the ground. .

Of course, the worm's situation is even more dangerous. Only seven or eight meters below its head, two huge gaps are constantly dripping with green blood, and the surrounding giant trees and ruins are covered with this foul, viscous green liquid.

"Hissing!" Perhaps it was because the worm's struggle strength had become much smaller, the centipede suddenly became fierce, and the huge body suddenly used its strength, and the sharp jaw teeth clamped the worm's body backwards. A tugging,'Puff! The turbulent green blood spewed out like river water.

Most of the worm's skin was cut open by its palatine teeth, and its head lost its support, just like a big tree connected by half-pulled bark in the incision. No matter how prosperous its previous life was, it would inevitably fall.

"Boom!" Shaking like an earthquake, a thousand tons of wriggling corpses smashed into the huge pit.

"En! Wang Mang, you are very strong now." Zhou Ying took two steps forward and walked to the side of the fallen worm. He stretched out a palm and gently pressed it on its wrinkled and dry skin.

"No, no, it should be that this worm is too weak." Zhou Ying said to himself, and a bright light flashed from his right hand close to the worm's skin.

"Bang!" A giant worm at a kilometer away turned into a rain of green blood in a violent explosion. "Wang Mang, I will come to you soon. As you said, my experiment seems to be imperfect. ."

Whispers like a breeze silently reached Wang Mang's ears, but his figure disappeared in the explosion that obscured everyone's vision, without a trace.

"There is such a bug that is dormant under my bed, my Wang Mang can't sleep, Zhou Ying! Don't leave, stay at ease!"

Wang Mang shook his head faintly, and when he raised his head again, his eyes showed a horrible murderous intent that hadn't appeared for a long time, an evil dragon halberd, and a roaring tiger armor, and the hunt began.

"Click~! A towering ancient tree several hundred meters long was smashed by Wang Mang with a halberd. Zhou Ying's figure jumped onto the trunk of another tree like a ghost.

"You can't escape, I will kill you today!" Wang Mang's eyes were red, and the killing intent in his tone was extremely profound. How could he allow others to snore on the side of the couch?

How much trouble has Zhou Ying this bug caused herself? I have played with myself several times. If I don't kill today, when will I stay? !

"Tsk tusk, I thought I ran away." Zhou Ying's voice sounded a little joke, its ghostly figure suddenly turned around and attacked Wang Mang head on. A cold light flashed in Wang Mang's eyes, and the evil dragon halberd in his hand waved halfway. In the circle, with a move against the robes, Zhou Ying abruptly split Zhou Ying in half.

‘Buzz! Thousands of weird worms the size of fingernails flew out of the corpse. Wang Mang was shocked and turned into a fan. With almost no pause, Wang Mang's figure teleported away again in a certain direction.

"I'm very curious, how did you find me again and again?" Zhou Ying asked with her hands drooping, squatting on a reef, the urn facing Wang Mang who was no more than 100 meters in front of him.

‘Ticket. The only response to him was the cutting sound of a sharp blade cutting across the ground. Wang Mang held the evil dragon halberd in both hands and slashed at him with a knife.

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