Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1629: False is true when six

"Tingling bell~!" Wang Mang glanced at the appellation displayed on the phone, and immediately put the clamped cigarette into the ashtray with his left hand and pinched it out, sliding to connect and placing the phone near his ear.

"Hey, Dad!" Wang Mang yelled a little nervously, feeling a bit complicated. He grew up in an orphanage with only stepfathers and stepmothers. In this world, his father doesn't know if he is really related by blood. I don't know how to face my own father.

"Hey, son. I heard Xiaoying say that you have taken a three-good student this semester, haha, that's good, your mother has praised you several times in front of me.

Recently, the performance of the factory has been good. I will let the finances get stuck at you for 2 million. Don’t ride an electric bike with Xiaoying. Now the weather is cold. You guys are not afraid of freezing, you are still willing. Let a girl accompany you to blow the air and get cold.

Go buy a good car, so that it is convenient for you and Xiaoying to play wherever you go. Isn't there a Mercedes-Benz 4S store next to your school? I said hello to your Uncle Wang. Remember to see the car in the afternoon! "

Wang Mang pursed his lips. Just about to speak, he continued on the other end of the phone: "Remember my son, don't try to show off buying a sports car. It's not practical. I know you young people like it, but it seems frivolous. That's right. , You can directly ask your Uncle Wang to get the oil card. I told him."

As he said, a woman murmured and complained alongside the steady middle-aged male voice. Soon the voice on the other end of the phone changed, and it was replaced by a gentle female voice who spoiled her son:

"Xiao Mang, don’t listen to your dad. Your dad has made a lot of money this time. Don’t save money for him. You and Xiaoying go to the staff. You have to ask other girls’ opinions. As long as you two like it, money It’s not enough to tell mom, mom will let your dad call you again."

"Go, what do you do if you spoil your son like this?"

"Huh! I want you to take care of this, my old lady is just this one son, who doesn't he pet him? Is he still petting you, a shameless old man?"

"Why are you unreasonable?"

"My old lady is unreasonable. Are you willing to scold me and beat me? You yelled at me so much. You still yell at me. I feel wronged. Now my son is in college, I don’t want Xiaoying to follow me. It was the same hardship back then."

The quarrel of the parents' twittering has been heard for a long time like a quarrel between a young couple. Although their mouths are not letting go, anyone can hear the gentle affection in the words of the two and the tacit understanding and love of each other for more than ten years.

After the conversation gradually became numb, Wang Mang smiled helplessly and happily and shook his head, and hung up the phone. He smiled and his mind drifted away...

It seems that it is good to have such a pair of harmonious parents who look like enemies. They really care about themselves. How long have they not experienced this kind of parental care for their children? Looks like it's gone since the death of his stepfather.

When Wang Mang came back to his senses, he saw Xiaoying catkin next to him holding her chin, blinking her big eyes, staring at him with a smile, and said with an anguish:

"I just heard what my uncles and aunts said, so care about me, Xiao Mang, don't let me be a delicate girl in the cold, don't you know."

Xiaoying covered her mouth and couldn't help laughing. Wang Mang smiled at the corner of her mouth, "Okay! Let's choose the car in the afternoon, you choose the one you like."

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