Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1637: Real or illusory


Wang Mang's muddy eyes seemed to have something full of water, but his expression quickly became indifferent, just like that of Wang Mang, the worm master who was sitting in the Gushan City meeting room and was the master of the world.

"I'm not willing to...but I really want to leave, you will always be in my mind, right? The world is the same, including this.

All the happiness and beauty are my longing. Sooner or later I have to face it. I'm going back. You take care of yourself. I hope you can see this picture. "

Wang Mang stood up laboriously from the recliner, holding a yellowed photo tightly with his right hand. In the photo, he and Liu Ying were staying under a long locust tree. He held her shoulders tightly, and both of them were The smile is bright and happy.

He placed the photo gently on the armrest of the reclining chair, and the last afterglow of the setting sun shone into his muddy eyes, "The sun is down..."

"Let's go, let's go, remember to miss me." Liu Ying, who also stood up from the recliner, gradually became beautiful and young in appearance and figure, just like the lively and beautiful girl when she first met.

There were tears in the corners of her eyes, but the smile on the corners of her mouth was very happy. She suddenly hugged Wang Mang, her cherry-red lips were printed on his face for the last time, "Let’s go, let the other me take good care of you. Take it with you. This photo, at least you will know that you have actually been here."

Liu Ying took a photo of the 17- or 18-year-old couple under the dragon locust tree on his chest, and the snow-white slender arm pushed hard against him, and the world disappeared.

When the world like shards of glass disintegrated and only darkness remained, Wang Mang, who was in a coma, moved his eyelashes slightly. The dream was over, and he should wake up too!

"Om!" There was a crashing voice in his head, his five senses recovered, his closed eyes slowly opened, and the beautifully decorated, bright and luxurious lamp made Wang Mang squint his eyes involuntarily, and the bright light made him squint. Some did not adapt, a faint tear wet the snow-white pillow towel.

"Huh?" When his eyes resumed his vision, Wang Mang saw the picture of the yellowed transparent plastic film on his chest, Longhuaishu, him and Xiaoying.

He slowly sat up and looked at the photo for a long time before he received the Ring of Wormwood. This is a ward. Gushan City has the most complete medical equipment and a ward under the care of professional nursing doctors.

"Call all the higher-ups." Wang Mang glanced faintly at the little nurse who was standing by the hospital bed stiff and unable to move.

The nurse seemed to be suddenly relieved of some kind of shackles, nodded in panic, and quickly ran out of the ward to contact the senior management of the organization through a dedicated phone.

"She's right, I've really been here, sixty years."

When all the senior leaders of the organization stepped into the ward in an eager and hurried pace, Wang Mang sat on the bed in a hospital gown, frowned and lightly lit a cigarette.

"Bai Jue, did anything major happen during the time I was in a coma?"

Bai Jue's worried expression faded a lot when he saw Wang Mang. He pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said calmly, "Master, a lot of important things have happened during the six months you were in a coma, but there is no special emergency. , I will summarize it for you later."

"En!" Wang Mang nodded slightly, then raised his head to look at Yao Sen who was standing in the ward, and said coldly:

"Notify the city lord of each gathering place to let them find a person named Li Xiaonian for me, and the person under your hand will also look for it. I want to see this person as soon as possible!"

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