Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1647: Forbidden place

He looked feminine, pale without beard, and loyal to his face with no expression on his face. He nodded respectfully, and a trace of sternness penetrated through his narrow eyes, and he immediately turned and left the private room.

"Bata" Zhang Nan took a puff of his cigarette holder, and his thoughts increased under the lingering smoke. Liu San is a scourge, he must die! Even the relatives who took care of him like a mother for more than ten years sold him as soon as they were sold. Could such an unfilial person still be loyal?

The dead will keep secrets, the living? Haha, Zhang Nan sneered twice. He couldn't even do it himself. Can this unfaithful and unfilial Liu San'er do it?

The banquet was over, and the noisy wooden building only left the restaurant helpers moving tables and chairs and cleaning up. All the guests, including the drunk and unconscious drunks, were also helped by Xiao Er to the guest room upstairs to rest.

More than a dozen of Zhang Nan's direct staff did not dare to drink too much because they had been instructed before, and they walked into the private room after the show.


"Good command!"


Zhang Nan looked at his subordinates with a smile and greeted them to take their seats. "They are all brothers. Don't be polite with your brother. Find a place to sit down. I have something to say to you."

The huge round table was cleaned up. A dozen big men moved the chairs and sat down quietly, all staring at Zhang Nan.

When the door of the private room was closed, the smile on Zhang Nan's face gradually disappeared. He knocked on the round table with his cigarette holder, and asked in an elusive tone: "How did you inquire about the matter I said before?"

"This..." When several people heard this, a touch of embarrassment appeared on their faces, and they looked at each other, and no one was embarrassed to speak first.

The expression on Zhang Nan's face was colder, but the tone was still gentle: "If there are important clues, you can talk about it. It's really not good. News that I think is reliable can also be brought to the big guy's stage to talk about it!"

"Big brother!" The outspoken big man stood up abruptly and scratched his greasy head in great distress. "Big brother, it's not that the younger brother couldn't find a clue. It's because the forbidden area is too strict.

I wanted to take advantage of the effort of peeing in the crater at night, and glanced in, but the belts of my pants had not been untied yet, and a few black robes, watching my eyes full of vigilant Daoist disciples, came here. . "

"Yes, commander, we now rotate too many times on duty, and everyone is suspicious."

"Yeah, yeah, just say last time, I almost could see what was inside the forbidden area, and I took a cold arrow and shot it half an inch in front of the sole of my foot.

It was just a little bit, and I died there, and the arrow even the shaft of the arrow was so dark that it was poisoned. "

A few lingering men exchanged their experiences with fear. Zhang Nan smoked dry cigarettes and looked at them quietly, but for a few dozen moments, the chirping private room suddenly became quiet, and they all cowered and watched sitting. Zhang Nan, who was in the main position, was silent for a while.

"Is it all done?" Zhang Nan glanced lightly, and when no one said anything, he continued: "Since I have finished talking, then I will say a few words. If I can't find out any useful news in half a month, you just Go to the mine and watch the group of miners!

More than a dozen people can't find out any useful information? I just raise a dozen pigs, all of them are better than you, get out! "

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