Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1652: Gave a hope

"Help you? Heh...what can I do as a weak woman?"

There were two crystal tears on Liu Yin’s sad and haggard face. She raised her head and looked at Zhang Nan with a sad and wry smile. Her clear eyes had lost the slightest color at this moment, and even her brother didn’t want her anymore. What is the meaning of her life? Ha ha.

"You can do many things, in my eyes you are much better than your brother, and you are a woman, a beautiful woman.

A beautiful woman is like a delicate flower. Everyone passing by will admire you and want to pick you. Especially you are a self-reliant and tragic beautiful woman. Your traits are enough to make the most powerful. Some men pity you and love you! "

After listening to Zhang Nan’s words, Liu Yin’s eyes showed a trace of fear. She knelt on the ground and looked at Zhang Nan, moving her bright red lips to say something, but when the words came to her lips, her face reappeared. There was a sorrow that was more than heartbreaking, and life had no meaning, even if it was sold to that kind of place, it didn't matter.

"You kill me, even if you don't kill me, I will find a chance to judge myself." Liu Yin stood up from the kneeling ground, the expression on his face was indifferent.

"No, no, no." Seeing her appearance, Zhang Nan calmly waved his palms and said in a kind tone: "I understand your current mood and know your experience. Your brother is a complete bastard. , And he sold you to me, yes, but there is a great news for you, I guess you must want to know!"

Zhang Nan paused after speaking, staring at Liu Yin with a playful look on his face, "You know, your brother has a baby! I specially found a woman to stay with him for more than half a month, and she was pregnant.

Moreover, after the blessing of a certain elder of the sect, this must be a boy, and the foundation and talent will become extremely good, and even... it is not impossible to become a cultivator.

Your brother is a **** to his bones. I believe you will not put the hope of the family and the longing of your dead parents on him, right?

Now that you have this child, as long as you listen to me obediently and do things well, I will find a reason to send the child to you so that you can take care of him since childhood.

He will definitely be the hope of your Liu family's re-emergence in the future. The children you have taken care of since childhood, with your cultivation in character and morality, will surely become a gentleman respected by thousands of people! "

After Zhang Nan's long speech, she squinted slightly and looked at Liu Yin's eyes. It was very easy for him to realize that when she learned that his brother had an unborn boy, her eyes flashed. Shencai.

If the roots, talents, and character are all as good as imagined, then the parents' spirit in heaven will definitely be happy.

Even if this child cannot become a cultivator that everyone admires, but as long as he is filial and honest, he will be a good child, and he will not do anything wrong in the future, marry a good daughter-in-law, live honestly, and be fatter. Boy, that kind of life would be pretty good.

Liu Yin showed a trace of longing. This child is her hope for the future and her motivation to live. As for her younger brother....., as the sturdy man in front of him said, he is indeed a bastard.

But with a child, everything is different. She has to save some money for her future nephew, send him to a good private school, and carefully cultivate his character.

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