Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1657: stationery

"How's the investigation going?" Cang Rulong walked to the bedroom door in three steps and two steps with a full face, an inner disciple facing him with a smile on his mouth, and congratulated him: "Young master, after the investigation, Liu Yin The young lady's family background is normal, and there is no sign of contact with any power sect."

"That's good!" Cang Rulong's anxious face instantly showed a joyful smile. He shook the folding fan in his hand and quickly put it away. He let out a long breath and leaned on an imperial chair in front of the screen. , Frowned and raised his head and asked:

"Xiaohuan, what do you say to the master over there? He has been teasing me to marry the daughter of the Sovereign of Supreme Harmony. It seems that my father has also agreed recently..."

Zhu Huan also sat down on the wooden chair beside Cang Rulong with a sad face, and after taking a cup of tea, he suggested: "In fact, Master, he is also thinking about our sect. After all, the seven sects belong to our Canglang Sect. It’s the closest to the Gate of Supreme Harmony. Once we get married, this relationship will be stable from a certain perspective. How about accepting Liu Yin as a concubine?

Zhu Huan raised his head carefully and said in a cautious tone.

"Concubine?!" Cang Rulong's mouth showed a wry smile, "I can't even give her a position, I'm afraid she thinks I don't love her...I really like her, and I don't want her to be wronged."

"Young sect master! What can I do? Master, the sect master has high hopes for you, and even the sect’s shipping rights and alchemy rights have been handed over to you in advance. You are the appointed future sect master. You must do this for such a major event. Prioritize the interests of the sect, and don’t lose too much because of small mistakes!"

Zhu Huan tried to persuade him, in fact, he was inclined to marry the Taihe Sect. Once the two sects became a community of interests.

The huge profits brought about by the exchange of resources are enough to increase the daily worship of all the inner disciples by 30%, 30% of the cultivation resources, if it is the suzerain, you should sacrifice your son's marriage for this.

Cang Rulong held the handle of the fan with his left hand and stroked the fan with his right hand. He sighed, and the paper fan in his hand slammed on the armrest of the Grand Master's chair.

"It seems that it can only be so...Liu Yin, I really like it. As for the daughter of the Supreme Harmony Sect's Sovereign...It's a big deal to marry her back, anyway, they just found an excuse to be completely stable. The close relationship between the two sects is just that. With this marriage, I guess they won’t say anything if I take a concubine."

"The young master is really sensible and selfless. He can give up the small and see the big, and in the future will surely become one of our Canglangmen's best sect masters!" Zhu Huan's previous frowning face suddenly disappeared, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was very bright.

"Huh?!" Cang Rulong glanced at him coldly, and said in a cold tone: "Xiaohuan, I warn you, don't be clever in front of me in the future, do you have to pay for my Cang Rulong work?! roll!"

Zhu Huan's smile on Zhu Huan's face suddenly froze when he was reprimanded. He put down the tea cup in his hand and put a letter on the side of the coffee table, "Young master, here is Liu Yin's family investigation...you slow down. Take a look, I won't bother you."

After Zhu Huan finished speaking, he stood up and quickly rushed to the room, closing the door of the room by the way. Cang Rulong glanced at the letter paper on the coffee table, and after thinking about it, he stretched out his hand to open it, and read it carefully.

On the other side of Canglang Island, Liu Yin also hid under her bed, holding a piece of letter paper in her hand, but on this letter paper was her next script.

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