Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 270: Death of King Beast

Wang Mang's insect pattern flashed, and the female fire locust that resembled a toad was summoned from the sac.

The female worm indifferently watched the ring loach king beast casually sticking out her tongue, as if she hadn't been caught by the momentum of the fifth-order king beast at all.

Wang Mang looked at it dumbly and nodded admiringly.

Low IQ also has the benefit of low IQ,

The female worm of this explosive locust is like a useless worm that has lost even the ability to perceive danger, but it will not show a fearful expression when facing too much strength beyond its own.

Wang Mang gave it the command to manipulate the flames, only to see that its lookless toad eyes suddenly lit up for a while, and even the unpleasant cry was louder.

The flames of the ringed loach king beast covering the entire back, with the screams of the fire locust mother worms comparable to noise, gradually converged to a place the size of a handkerchief,

As the thinner fuel gradually gathered, it became thicker, and some of it also flowed into the body cavity where the ring loach king beast was burned out of the hole.

As the piping hot fuel gradually solidified, the flesh and blood that was resisted by the energy of the king of the ring loach beast met with a knife like butter.

The deep black flame almost instantly penetrated the fragile energy defense of the king beast, and burned toward its body layer by layer.

Crocodile-like thick skin, thick muscles like marble, hard and thick bones like spiritual weapons,

All these seemingly extraordinary things are so fragile and insignificant in front of the eternal flame,

Thick skin? Instant gasification, muscle? It burned through in an instant, and even the hardest bones just resisted the immortal flame for dozens of seconds before turning into a pile of gray-black bone dregs.

The fuel finally flowed into the most vulnerable body cavity protected by the ring loach king beast.

The huge internal organs are like firewood put into the stove at this time, which can only make the flame more vigorous, and nothing else!

"Roar!" Huanyuwang beast widened its dark green vertical pupils, and his eyes were covered with scarlet bloodshot eyes.

It must also know that it is about to end, and it uttered a long roar from the sky, and the sound waves shook everywhere in the secret realm. Every stranger village was afraid to hear it.

Wang Mang held his hands and quietly watched the final glory of the Huanyuwang beast when he was dead, and finally the scream that lasted for several minutes ended.

The upright body of the ring loach king beast was also crumbling at this time, and its internal organs had been burned out by the flame. Even if it was a powerful king beast, it would not be able to save the passing of life.

Before dying, the erect pupil with the big lantern looked at Wang Mang who was holding his hand, and his eyes revealed humanized doubts, anger, indomitability, and despair.

"Boom!" The big body of the Huanyuwangbeast building fell down and fell into the swamp where it had lived and grown for decades. It finally died!

Wang Mang looked at the ring loach king beast whose breath was slowly dissipating, and couldn't help but smile up to the sky, "what about the fifth-order king beast? Didn't it die in my hands,"

Wang Mang looked at the King Loach Beast that had just brought himself to death, and walked slowly towards its corpse.

Suddenly, a special ability in that secret realm burst out from the sky, and the corpse of the Huanyuwang beast slowly disappeared under the cover of that strange ability.

Wang Mang looked at this wonderful scene in front of him, his pupils couldn't help but shrink, Wang Beast? King beast! Is it possible that the secret treasure will be born?

Wang Mang swallowed expectantly, watching the dissipated corpse slowly converge into three adult-sized light clusters, and clenched his fists excitedly.

My own guess is really good, after the death of the king beast in the secret realm, it will definitely drop the secret treasure!

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