Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 286: Cai Gang

The fresh air, the newborn sun, and the seven o'clock in the morning, the students coming and going at the entrance of the high school campus add a bit of liveliness and youth to this beautiful scene.

Wang Mang stood in the door of the high school with his hands in his pockets and a black schoolbag with some paint on his shoulders, looking at the familiar and unfamiliar sight, he couldn't help but wonder.

‘Hey, the gate of this high school, I didn’t see it clearly when I was reborn. The strength of this ‘odd’ is beyond imagination.’

"Ding! Classmates, class is about to start soon,"

A class reminder bell that I had heard several times in high school rang in Wang Mang’s ear. Wang Mang also showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Hurry up, hurry up, class will start right away,"

"There are three minutes left, what's the hurry?"

"Aren't you stupid? It was the head teacher in the morning reading today. That old lady is very fierce,"

"Yes, yes, then I won't eat the buns anymore,

Let's rush to the classroom. I haven't written my math homework last night."

Two students in neat school uniforms eating soy milk buns,

When I heard the bell, I didn’t even care about the breakfast in my hand, and immediately ran towards the teaching building.

Wang Mang looked at them in a hurry, which was also quite interesting.

I have lived in the last days for six years, and my age has long passed the time to worry about being late for class.

By the way, which class is in high school?

Wang Mang thought for a while, rubbing his chin habitually, and suddenly realized that his chin was very smooth without a stubble.

"Forget it, let's take a step and take a look, the big deal is to take a look at each classroom,"

Just as Wang Mang was planning to look for it from classroom to classroom, a fat hand behind him patted him on the shoulder.

"I said Wang Mang, why are you still wandering around? Sang Kelai is about to go."

A fat man with oil cakes in his mouth and two oil sticks in his hands said vaguely towards Wang Mang.

Wang Mang turned around and glanced at the fat man.

When he saw the freckles on the fat man’s face, Wang Mang was a little surprised to recognize him:

"It's you, Cai Gang, why are you here,"

Cai Gang swallowed the fritters he was chewing with difficulty, and took another bite of fritters.

Looking at Wang Mang with a contemptuous look, he said, "Wang Mang, are you stupid? Today Monday, I am not going to school here, so where can I be?"

"Hurry up, stop chatting, we still have to take the English test this morning,"

Cai Gang's oily fat hands wiped the white school uniform, wiped his mouth, and moved his flexible fat body quickly up the stairs.

Wang Mang hurriedly followed him, Zhengshou didn't know which class he was in, but luckily he met Cai Gang.

Wang Mang was also a little bit happy facing the test of promotion.

When I was born again, because the end of the world was about to break out, I didn’t have time to reminisce with the high school classmates.

Even though this test of advancement is false, it is no different from the real world in terms of touch, hearing, and vision.

Simply treat it as a real life, and make up for your regrets.

Wang Mang followed Cai Gang, who was climbing the stairs while eating fritters, and went up to the fifth floor in one breath.

When he arrived at the door of the classroom, the two fried dough sticks in Cai Gang's hand also entered his stomach, and the class bell rang at the right time.

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